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Thread: Topicul cu chestii care n-au loc in alte topicuri

  1. #274
    Assistant MadSkillz's Avatar
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    Fred Hoiberg will probably be the 1st man to play in the NBA with a pacemaker and Wally Szczerbiak is the 2nd Wolf to ever average 25ppg during a full month.
    Numai Baschet, numai bine !

  2. #275
    senior tudor89's Avatar
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    va mai avea loc anu asta meciul stelelor? daca da cand shi unde?

  3. #276
    #22 virtual's Avatar
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    For the second time in the event’s history, Houston has been selected as the host city for NBA All-Star. The 55th annual All-Star Game will be played at the Toyota Center, home of the Houston Rockets on Feb. 19, 2006.

  4. #277
    senior tudor89's Avatar
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    nu in nba, mah....era vorba la noi in Romania, de aia i-am shi zis meciul stelelor shi nu all-star game

  5. #278
    #22 virtual's Avatar
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    Pai si anul trecut prin aprilie s-a decis daca nu ma insel, asa k ai rabdare.

    Si oricum nu a fost mare lucru.

  6. #279
    senior tudor89's Avatar
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    atunci nu a fost mare lucru dar anu asta avem wayne clark, levar seals shi tot felu de saritori. deci ar fi un dunk contest mai mult ca interesant( pt ca seals in colegiu o castigat dunk contestu' de acolo in primu an de colegiu, shi clark cu detenta lui de 1 metru juma', nici nu are rost sa mai vorbesc),o sa ca-n nba

  7. #280
    sport legend
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    nu stiu despre clark...el e in state acum si nu se mai intoarce la rapid

  8. #281
    #22 virtual's Avatar
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    1 inch este 2.54 cm.
    Clark are detenta 51 inch., deci aprox. 1m si 30 cm. Nimeni nu cred ca sare 1.5 m. Si cam greu cu ce probleme are acum sa apara... zic eu
    Seals are detenta dar nu asa mare. Si colegiul lui a fost DePaul din Chicago care nu e tare in basket.

    Deci nu o sa fie ca-n nba.
    La noi 3 point contest e mai interesant.

  9. #282
    senior tudor89's Avatar
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    mah io-tzi pot zice ca l-am vazut la mcdonalds streetball la dunk contest shi am fost foarte placut impresionat, total neincalzit(un exemplu), vine, da minge frumos de panou shi face un 360 la o inaltzime "usturatoare". sau nu shtiu daca ai fost la meciurile amicale cu asesoft dinaintea campionatului cand io dat un capac la levente pe panou cam cu o mana intreaga deasupra inelului probabil cel mai tare capac care l-am vazut vreodata(asta apropo de detenta)

  10. #283
    senior tudor89's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by virtual
    1 inch este 2.54 cm.
    Clark are detenta 51 inch., deci aprox. 1m si 30 cm. Nimeni nu cred ca sare 1.5 m.
    are 126 cm de pe loc shi 145 cm din alergare(o zis la un reportaj pe tv) shi seals are 1.08 de pe loc shi vreo 120 din alergare

  11. #284
    VJ Specialist
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    Bucuresti, Romania
    Ohhhhhhhh god.... iar incepem. Pai hai sa facem un calcul simplu: el are 1.92 sa zicem + 1.45 de care pomenesti tu ar fi cu capul la 3m 37cm, adica unde se termina patratul pe panou (3m 40).

    L-ai vazut tu pe Wayne cu capul la patrat? Ai vazut tu pe cineva cu capul la patrat? Si cu mana tre sa sari destul de bine sa ajungi... deci Wayne as zice ca sare cam 1.10-1.20 in meciuri, poate ca nu sare cat de mult poate dar atata sare.

    Deci sa terminam cu prostiile si mai faceti si voi niste matematica.
    "I think right now we are not capable of finding a way to win, or we are unable to, or don't know how to, or something,'' Carter said.

  12. #285
    kemp danrogojan's Avatar
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    langa inel

  13. #286
    rautacios caseta's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tudor89
    io dat un capac la levente pe panou cam cu o mana intreaga deasupra inelului probabil cel mai tare capac care l-am vazut vreodata
    care este

    eu nu am nimic cu "accentul" din ardeal (spre deosebire de raptor ), dar de data asta chiar nu ma pot abtine, pt ca una e accentul si alta sunt greselile gramaticale .... ia vezi aici, nu ti se pare ca suna un pic mai bine asa ?

    "i-o dat un capac lui levente pe panou cam cu o mana intreaga deasupra inelului probabil cel mai tare capac pe care l-am vazut vreodata"
    Now this, my friend, is gonna be fun

  14. #287
    VJ Specialist
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    Toate ca toate, una e sa greseti gramatical (putem accepta regionalisme si unele deviatii, ca si eu le fac si probabil oricine, aici nu trebuie sa fim all-the-way-gramatical) si una e sa zici ca a fost cu toata mana peste inel... toata mana inseamna ca era cu umarul la inel... ceea ce...
    "I think right now we are not capable of finding a way to win, or we are unable to, or don't know how to, or something,'' Carter said.

  15. #288
    senior tudor89's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by caseta
    eu nu am nimic cu "accentul" din ardeal (spre deosebire de raptor ), dar de data asta chiar nu ma pot abtine, pt ca una e accentul si alta sunt greselile gramaticale
    Excuse my french
    ma voi stradui sa ma exprim cat mai corect

  16. #289
    senior tudor89's Avatar
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    "A primi titlul de cel mai bun jucător o mare onoare şi o recunoaştere că am tins īntotdeauna către performanţă. Poate pentru unii e supărător că noi, cei de la Asesoft, cāştigăm tot şi vom cāştiga īn continuare. Salut intenţia mai multor echipe de a ridica ştacheta, dar nu au mentalitatea necesară. Mulţi dintre jucătorii romāni, deşi pot, nu vor să se ridice mai sus." zice Burlacu intr-un interviu acordat unui anume ziar, nu are importantza care.
    sunt de acord cu el ca asesoft este o echipa buna, fara discutie, shi cu faptul k multzi jucatori romani au puterea de a se ridica mai sus dar nu vor. NUMAI CA, nu cred ca el ii atat de bun incat sa-shi permita sa zica chestii de genu: noi suntem asesoft pe noi nu ne bate nimeni; cand sunt echipe destule de la care "pot sa o ieie in pufa", cum s-ar spune, eu cred ca el ridica stacheta prea sus

  17. #290
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    Veteran referee Jim Clark missed part of the third quarter after he was apparently kicked in the head by a tumbling performer right before the second half was set to begin.
    "I think right now we are not capable of finding a way to win, or we are unable to, or don't know how to, or something,'' Carter said.

  18. #291
    Assistant MadSkillz's Avatar
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    Despre recuperarea lui Amare:

    Numai Baschet, numai bine !

  19. #292
    Assistant MadSkillz's Avatar
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    Shaquille O’Neal has expressed sincere interest in beginning a career as a police officer after his NBA career is over, leading him to receive honorary sheriffs badges in many NBA cities. After meeting with North Korea’s leader Kim Jong-Il, Shaq was bestowed his biggest honor to date, “Honorary Dictator of North Korea.”

    In a baffling move that has startled many NBA fans and United States diplomats alike, Shaquille O’Neal accepted the title of “Honorary Dictator of North Korea” in a recent trip to Korea’s Communist Northern neighbor.

    The ceremony was lavish to say the least as the giant center towered over his North Korean constituents with an enormous grin as Kim presented him with the award.

    Said Kim, “You honor us Mr. O’Neal as North Korea’s ‘Dictator for the Day.’ Revel in the extravagance and glory that comes with being the Dictator of the world’s greatest and most prosperous nation.”

    The coronation was followed by a one-on-one hoops game to 11 in which, according to North Korean papers and governmental media outlets, Kim easily handled Shaq, beating the Miami center 11-4.

    In a recent statement made to the Miami Herald Shaquille was non-apologetic about his diplomatic fou paux. “Nobody got on me for being made Honorary Sheriff of Phoenix, so why are they making such a big deal about my latest award?”

    When questioned about the actions of Mr. O’Neal, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld was brief with his response. "I don't know what the facts are but somebody's certainly going to sit down with him and find out what he knows that they may not know, and make sure he knows what they know that he may not know."

    Please send your honorary titles to:

    The preceding article was a piece of satirical fiction.
    Numai Baschet, numai bine !

  20. #293
    VJ Specialist
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    Bucuresti, Romania
    Vince Carter Story - Vindicated:
    "I think right now we are not capable of finding a way to win, or we are unable to, or don't know how to, or something,'' Carter said.

  21. #294
    Assistant MadSkillz's Avatar
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    Gary Garver Interviews. 7/28/03. 7:20am
    Gary Garver was out over the weekend at some Magic Johnson Mid Summer's Night charity event. He was out in center of the basketball court at this event. The first guy up was basketball player Lamar Odom. Here's what Gary asked him:
    What was you initial reaction to the charges against Kobe? - Oh.. Uh.. (He rambled about the charity event and what Kobe needs to do.)
    Do you think Basketball teams should go back to traveling on a bus, being cut off from women? - I'm only going to answer some positive questions... If you got something positive to talk about, I'll do it.
    How do you think Magic Johnson looks so good? - He's alright 'cause that's Magic... Who do you write for?
    Lamar ran off and wanted Gary to ask Magic the question about how he looks so good. Garver followed him and tried to talk to him some more. Baba Booey came in and told Howard that Garver told him he's never been so scared before while Lamar was telling him how he wasn't a stand up kind of guy after asking him about the Magic Johnson thing.
    Howard interrupted the fun and said he had Dr. Hellman's ex-husband on the phone. Howard thought the guy was scamming him but he let him talk about her a little bit. The guy sounded like he had no idea what was going on and Howard was pissed that John put him through. John came in and told Howard that the guy sounded kind of pissed like he wanted to kick Howard's ass. Howard bailed out on that and got back to the Gary Garver stuff.

    Garver got Dennis Rodman next. Here's what he asked:

    Do you think P. Diddy should buy the Knicks? - He doin' what? If he got the money, that's your choice.
    Who's the best white player in the NBA? - Are there white guys in the NBA now?
    Do you think Americans are rude and loud? - No... Americans are Americans. I think the Europeans are a lot worse.
    Do you think Athletes are targets? - Everybody's a target down here.
    How do you protect yourself from girls who cry rape? - Hmmm... Tape her mouth
    Do you use rubbers when you bang NBA groupies? - Well... I think a lot of guys don't use their scruples, including me.
    Would you ever name your kid after a cut of meat? - No.. unless it's a sirloin
    Who's a bigger role model, Kobe or OJ? - I'm trying not to be nasty right now... Take your pick... Kobe
    Who had the biggest penis on the team when you played for the Bulls? - I wasn't a dick watcher so I couldn't tell ya
    Who had the smallest penis? - (Unintelligible answer)
    Howard thought that was a pretty good interview. He said it was like a retard interview or something. Howard played tape of Garver interviewing Shawn Marion after that. Here's what he asked:
    What do you think Kobe should do next? - Oh, you crazy! What' you mean?
    Are you afraid to check into a hotel now? - Nah
    If a player from the WNBA was accused of having sex with a guy against his will, do you think anyone would even care? - Oh, you crazy!
    Who has the biggest penis on your team? - I don't know
    Who has the smallest? - I don't know... You crazy!
    Would you ever name your kid after a cut of meat? - No man, you crazy.
    Howard played tape of Gary interviewing Tiny Lister after that. Here's what he asked:
    What words of encouragement do you have for Kobe Bryant? - Just focus on Jesus Christ. I want him to put all his focus on Christ...
    Do you think that the rape charges against Kobe are racially motivated? - Nah, I think we just sometimes make bad decisions and we all human we've all made bad decisions... my little brother just needs to focus on Jesus.
    Do you think NBA players send a bad message to kids when they seem to be out of control sexually? - I think we all need to send better messages to kids. (he rambled about Playboy magazines being available to kids on the counter instead of behind the counter)
    Did you ever think you'd see the day Dennis Rodman would have a better reputation than Kobe? - Dennis Rodman is a person friend and he gets paid to act like that. Me and my wife are praying for him (Kobe)
    Would you name your kid after a cut of meat? - We pray to God we have a son. His name would be Jordan or Joshua. Not Kobe, not Tommy, not Tiny, not Kobe...
    Howard and the guys spent a short time trying to figure out who Tiny was. Howard had no clue who he was but everyone else knew who he was and that Howard has seen him, he just doesn't remember it. Howard had to take a break after talking about that for a short time.
    Numai Baschet, numai bine !

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