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Thread: Offseason Moves

  1. #22
    rautacios caseta's Avatar
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    stai usurel mertin, nu incepe sa te bucuri. rudy t a lasat echipa pe 6 pt ca pina atunci avusesera un schedule usor. si au fost "in carti" pt playoff pina cu fo 10-15 meciuri inainte de finalul sezonului, cind au avut parte de o serie de meciuri mai tari. si s-au rupt acolo. daca incepeau cu seria aia de meciuri ... poate ar fi fost pe penultimul loc in vest. ca pe ultimu sunt hornets

    phil jackson e un mare antrenor, no doubt about it, dar ..... sa vedem cit si cum se va impaca cu kobe, daca kobe a inteles ca nu va putea sa faca totul singur etc. probabil vor prinde playoff-ul si vor degusta o "first round exit". nu pot sa zic ca o sa imi para rau de ei.
    Now this, my friend, is gonna be fun

  2. #23
    rautacios caseta's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LA Times
    Kobe Bryant's only words came out in a statement. It read: "When the Lakers began the search for a new head coach, I put my complete trust in Dr. Buss and Mitch Kupchak to select the person they thought was best for the Lakers organization. In Phil Jackson, they chose a proven winner. That is something I support." It was nice, but a smile and a handshake would have read better. Bryant had his chance to run this team. It didn't work. Owner Jerry Buss smartly stepped in, admitted his mistake, and handed the keys back to Jackson. Bryant was not consulted. Bryant was not given veto power. Bryant had no say, so now he must sit and listen. If he does, he'll understand that this is all good.
    daca bryant nu a avut nici un cuvint de spus ... ma intreb cum/daca se va intelege cu jackson.

    PS: daca sezonul viitor fara mari schimbari in roster (de fapt fara aducerea unui star care sa il complementeze pe bryant) lakers vor ajunge in playoff .... stiti ce se va zice: "kobe fara jackson nu a putut nici sa duca echipa in playoff". asta pe linga deja clasicul "fara shaq nu ar fi avut titluri".

    sincer, nu cred ca treaba asta va dura mai mult de 1 an. fie isi da demisia jackson pe motive de sanatate, fie lakers il transfera pina la urma pe kobe. si daca cineva crede ca buss nu ar renunta la kobe daca ar putea sa il aduca in locul lui pe, sa zicem, lebron james .... se inseala. si peste 1-2 ani s-ar bucura sa il dea pe kobe pt amare sau wade.
    Last edited by caseta; 16th June 2005 at 03:03.
    Now this, my friend, is gonna be fun

  3. #24
    Zen Master Kobe24's Avatar
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    totusi cred ca bryant a avut un cuvant de spus au vb ei ceva cred ca venea Jackson fara sa se asigure ca n-o sa aiba probleme cu kobe...s-au si intalnit de cateva ori. Kobe cred ca dupa sezonul asta si-a dat seama ca are nevoie de un antrenor bun pe banca. Starul ala de care zici cred ca va fi Odom

  4. #25
    sport legend mishu's Avatar
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    sincer, nu cred ca treaba asta va dura mai mult de 1 an. fie isi da demisia jackson pe motive de sanatate, fie lakers il transfera pina la urma pe kobe.
    raspunsul s-ar putea sa fie asta: "I want him committed for three or four years" ... "He promised me he wouldn't do a one-and-out"... astea sunt doua dintre declaratiile lui Buss despre Phil in ultima saptamana... deci daca pe Phil il vor sigur si ceva nu va merge bine... atunci oare cine va pleca???... oricum din ce am mai citit am inteles ca Jackson ar fi vrut si "an ownership stake"... nu stiu daca pana la urma a obtinut-o sau nu...
    "Unii oameni vor. Altii isi doresc. [B]Altii fac.[/B]" - Michael Jordan

  5. #26
    sport legend SilverZeus's Avatar
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    1 pleca probabil Kobe; nu cred ca cei 2 se vor intelege mai bine, nici de data asta ....s-a mai pus parca problema in urma cu 1 an sau doi: un schimb cu Orlando ptr T-Mac rog, erau zvonuri.....dar se vorbea

    ...o alta sosire: Dwane Casey, secund la Seattle, se instaleaza ca principal la Wolves va fi oare miscarea lui McMillan, caruia ii expira contractul in 2 saptamani ?
    You watch some teams these days and you wonder if they just met on the playground and decided to choose up sides.[/B][/U]Dennis Rodman

  6. #27
    rautacios caseta's Avatar
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    si eu cred ca pina la urma va pleca kobe. si chiar ar fi o posibilitate sa incerce lakers sa il aduca pe lebron la anul. o sa fie restricted free agent dar daca nu semneaza extensie si cavs merg la fel de prost, probabil ca peste inca 1 an ar pleca si cavs ar ramine fara vreun jucator apropiat de valoarea lui, asa ca vor prefera sa il transfere. la fel s-a intimplat cu orlando si mcgrady
    Now this, my friend, is gonna be fun

  7. #28
    sport legend thekobe's Avatar
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    iar citesti toate tampeniile caseta

    1. daca kobe venea la conferinta de presa pentru "a smile and a handshake", nu facea decat sa dea apa la moara celor care zic ca el e gm bla bla. jucatorii nu se duc la anuntarea antrenorilor. nu s-a dus la rudy, de ce ar face-o acum. in schimb l-a sunat dimineata si l-a felicitat. dar normal ca orice ar face, mereu se gaseste cineva sa comenteze.

    2. si terminatii aia de la times ca si majoritatea celorlalti sunt total pe dinafara. lakers il contactasera pe agentul lui pj inca din decembrie, dupa ce si-au dat seama ca rudy nu face fatza. prin februarie, dupa ce rudy a plecat, pj l-a sunat pe kobe sa vada "cum ii mai merge". kobe i-a zis ca e ok, dar ca il deranjeaza ca presa ii sare in cap orice ar face si ca pe undeva e o scurgere de informatii. la putin timp dupa asta a aparut articolul ala din espn in care zicea ca ei urmau sa se intalneasca si kobe l-a sunat si i-a zis "uite, vezi, cineva are gura mare". atunci au hotarat de comun acord sa "completely shut off the media" si cine mai era prins dand informatii aiurea urma sa fie pedepsit. de asta in ultimele luni nimeni n-avea habar unde o sa ajunga pj si fiecare isi dadea cu parerea. aiurea. in fine, contractul a fost gata de la sfarsitul lui aprilie, dupa ce kobe si pj au mai vorbit de cateva ori si s-au pus de acord in privinta directiei pe care avea sa o ia echipa. au asteptat pana acum sa anunte oficial pentru ca au asteptat momentul potrivit (finala) si pentru ca a mai existat o problema cu scurgerea de informatii (treaba cu sfx) si au vrut sa-l prinda pe vinovat.

    Quote Originally Posted by caseta
    daca sezonul viitor fara mari schimbari in roster (de fapt fara aducerea unui star care sa il complementeze pe bryant) lakers vor ajunge in playoff .... stiti ce se va zice: "kobe fara jackson nu a putut nici sa duca echipa in playoff".
    aici ti-ai pus piedica singur. daca rosterul ramane acelasi si ajung in playoff, singura diferenta fata de anul trecut ar fi antrenorul. deci, ce treaba are kobe cu asta ? vroiai sa-i si antreneze tot el ?

    Quote Originally Posted by caseta
    si peste 1-2 ani s-ar bucura sa il dea pe kobe pt amare sau wade.
    daca amare se transforma in 2 ani in olajuwon II (adica pune pe el aparare si cateva post-moves eficiente), poate. daca nu, pauza. wade . sau cum zicea buss "you'll have to give me the whole arena, maybe even the city, then i'll consider"

    5. bender + #17. pana in draft.
    I told him, "Son, what is it with you? Is it ignorance or apathy?" He said, "Coach, I don't know and I don't care."

  8. #29
    VJ Specialist
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    Quote Originally Posted by the kobe
    atunci au hotarat de comun acord sa "completely shut off the media" si cine mai era prins dand informatii aiurea urma sa fie pedepsit
    Cum anume?
    "I think right now we are not capable of finding a way to win, or we are unable to, or don't know how to, or something,'' Carter said.

  9. #30
    sport legend mishu's Avatar
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    Jonathan Bender is indeed on his way to Los Angeles along with the 17th pick in the draft. In return, the Lakers will send Devean George, Slava Medvedenko and a second-round pick...

    treaba ca lakers au asteptat finala ca sa-l anunte pe phil antrenor mi se pare o aiureala... puteau sa astepte o perioada mediatica mai libera... nu acum cand toti vorbesc numai despre finala... au mai fost niste chestii...
    1. lakers au asteptat la larry brown... desi se stia ca va merge la cavs lakers au sperat pana in ultima clipa...
    2. desi nici acum nu e foarte sigur ca nu va fi un lockout la vara... poate lakers au capatat ceva informatii in plus pentru ca mi se pare aiurea sa arunci milioane pentru un antrenor care nu antreneaza...
    3. a existat intr-adevar o intarziere de aproape o saptamana intre semnarea contractului si anuntarea lui pentru ca a existat un conflict intre fox si abc pentru cine va avea exclusivitate... atunci lakers au decis amanarea cu o sapt pentru a impaca si capra si varza...
    "Unii oameni vor. Altii isi doresc. [B]Altii fac.[/B]" - Michael Jordan

  10. #31
    sport legend thekobe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mishu
    nu acum cand toti vorbesc numai despre finala...
    au contraire, mon ami. acum era momentul cel mai potrivit. ia intreaba-i pe colegii nostrii forumisti de peste ocean despre ce s-a vorbit mai mult. pana si interviul ala dinainte de meciul 3 am inteles ca a avut audienta mai mare decat meciul in sine.
    doua cazuri concrete :
    1. pe espn (parca) aveau aia emisiune. o tin ei toata emisiunea cu pj bla bla si dupa vreo 2 ore ii anunta in casti ca trebuie sa incheie. a urmat ceva de genul : "alright, this is it for today... oh yeah and detroit won. good night"
    2. radio in san antonio. spurs aveau meci in ziua cu pricina, aia o tot tineau cu pj pe aici si pe dincolo incat pana la urma au inceput sa sune fanii spurs sa le zica sa mai termine odata cu jackson si sa mai vb si de echipa lor.

    larry brown era longshot din multe motive

    si dupa cum am mai zis contractul a fost semnat de ambele parti de la sfarsitul lui aprilie
    Last edited by thekobe; 18th June 2005 at 00:15.
    I told him, "Son, what is it with you? Is it ignorance or apathy?" He said, "Coach, I don't know and I don't care."

  11. #32
    sport legend mishu's Avatar
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    mai mult ca sigur nu va fi lockout... cele doua parti s-au inteles si mai trebuie practic doar hartogaraia de pus la punct si de semnat...

    -jucatorii vor primi 57% din veniturile anuale ale ligii... la fel ca in ultimele 2 sezoane...
    -salary cap-ul a crescut de la 48% la 51% din veniturile anuale
    -luxury tax ramane la acelasi nivel ca in anii trecuti...
    -durata maxima a unui contract va scade cu un an, de la 7 la 6 pentru jucatorii care isi prelungesc contractul si de la 6 la 5 pentru ceilalti...
    -echipele vor putea avea un roster de 14 jucatori
    -limita de varsta pentru a juca in nba va fi de 19 ani
    -fiecare jucator va fi supus aleatoriu la 4 teste antidrog pe sezon...

    cam astia sunt termenii principali ai intelegerii...
    "Unii oameni vor. Altii isi doresc. [B]Altii fac.[/B]" - Michael Jordan

  12. #33
    sport legend SilverZeus's Avatar
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    ...foarte interesant un interviu luat lui Shaq zilele trecute....:

    "ESPN: What do you think about Phil Jackson returning as head coach of the Lakers?
    Shaq: I have always had a tremendous amount of respect for Phil. And I think it's great for Phil. I'm happy for Phil. I'm happy for Phil, I really am. I would have liked to see him take the Sacramento job though, I think they would have been a little better fit for the triangle. "

    ...urmeaza apoi exprimarea unor ...hmmm, hai sa le zic "nemultumiri"...ce ne duc cu gandul intr-o directie anume....:

    ESPN: Have you talked to Phil at all?
    Shaq: No. I'll do it here on ESPN. 'Congratulations Phil.' There is no need to talk, 'cause he's not in, he's not in the neutral waters any more. So I'll just say congratulations and we'll leave it at that"

    ....urmeaza o nevinovata sa nu-i spun batjocura:

    ESPN: Do you ever see the day where it would be possible for you to sit down, have a talk with Kobe Bryant?
    Shaq: Who?

    ...iar la final se face lumina si se dau cartile pe fata:

    ESPN: Kobe Bryant. (ca raspuns ajutator la intrebarea lui Shaq: "WHO????")
    Shaq: You know what I am not familiar with that name, I know a lot of names and I have a lot of names in my head, but I am not familiar with that name. Especially if there is nothing to talk about, I'm sorry I can't recall that name.

    ....mie imi pare sugestiv....Shaq si-a atras si mai multa simpatie din partea mea....ptr ca nu-l stiam asa de bascalitor

    ...thekobe, inca susti ca acest conflict Kobe-Shaq nu exista decat in mintea presei ????
    You watch some teams these days and you wonder if they just met on the playground and decided to choose up sides.[/B][/U]Dennis Rodman

  13. #34
    sport legend
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    shaq's da men!!!

  14. #35
    sport legend mishu's Avatar
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    aoleo... nu-l starniti pe kobe pe subiectul asta ca iar scrie pagini intregi... pe urma sa baga si caseta si a murit thread-ul... asta e pentru off-season moves...
    "Unii oameni vor. Altii isi doresc. [B]Altii fac.[/B]" - Michael Jordan

  15. #36
    rautacios caseta's Avatar
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    silver, thekobe nu a zis ca e conflictul in mintea presei. el zice ca in mintea presei e ideea ca kobe ar fi de vina si ca in realitate nu kobe a creat conflictul ci shaq. adevaru e ca shaq face mai mare tam-tam pe chestia asta. ma si mir ca nu stii ca de 1 an de zile nu ii mai pronunta numele lui kobe ....

    dar nu eu cred ca si kobe a facut el ceva sa se ia in gura cu shaq. de egoist, e egoist, asa ca ....

    @mishu - caseta tocmai s-a bagat. vorba aia .. eu am facut threadu, eu il omor

    daca se continua pe tema kobe & shit, un moderator sa ia posturile de minutza si sa le indrume spre un thread mai potrivit
    Now this, my friend, is gonna be fun

  16. #37
    sport legend thekobe's Avatar
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    Q: (Kornheiser) People say you have money, a good life and you don't have to coach. And so we ask the obvious question: why are you doing this ?
    A: (Phil Jackson) It was a challenge I just couldn't walk away from … I felt like this past year, Kobe got blamed for everything he didn't do — and more that he did do. And it was just like, "Let's heap everything on top of Kobe." And then everything just fell apart with this Laker team, which is more talented than they really showed. It was an opportunity for me to come back to a situation where it looked like I was run out, but I really wasn't run out, and it looked like Kobe made all of these moves and decisions, but that he really didn't do.

    Q: (Kornheiser) I would be remiss if I didn't ask if you weren't one of those people who didn't pile on Kobe … You called him uncoachable in your book. How do you get past that ?
    A: Because I know you two (Kornheiser and Wilbon) read … You know if you read the last two-thirds of the book, how the uncoachable became the coachable — the floor general and the guy who got us to the playoffs …

    Q: (Wilbon) Phil, you're such a communicative person, and Kobe is not necessarily. How do you guys get past this ?

    A: We have a deep, intuitive feeling about each other. Any time you work so closely together … there's a relationship that goes very deep there. And so it was pretty natural for us to reconnect, (although) I think it's going to be harder for people to allow us to reconnect … The biggest thing is to keep our communications on a private level.

    Q: (Kornheiser) Do you believe the Lakers, as presently constituted, can make the playoffs? Or are you going to have to tinker ?

    A: Tinkering is going to be done. They can make the playoffs, but we're going to have to strengthen this team — and I mean literally strengthen this team.

    Q: (Wilbon) Is it possible that we might see Kobe moved to see the kind of talent needed, and that you're used to having ?

    A: I didn't come here to make a change where Kobe has to move. I came back here to coach and work with Kobe.
    I told him, "Son, what is it with you? Is it ignorance or apathy?" He said, "Coach, I don't know and I don't care."

  17. #38
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    1) I am still hearing that the Lakers are going to acquire the 3rd pick of the draft from Portland. The Blazers would get Caron Butler and the #10 pick and the Lakers would get #3 pick and Rueben Patterson.
    2) The Blazers are involved in another rumor as well. The Celtics moving Pierce for the #3 pick and Damon Stoudamire. The Blazers/Lakers deal seems stonger.
    3) The Knicks/ Phoenix trade is still active.

    • Marvin Williams is the #1 or #2 pick of the draft
    • Martel Webster continues to float from #8 to #13
    • Nate Robinson looks more and more like a second round pick. However, there is talk about him in the late first round. He is being banded about from 25 to 50. Nate tested as the #1 physical athlete at the Chicago camp. He measured at 5’7. Universally, everyone in the NBA thinks he can play and will play. Maybe not a rotation player, but an impact player at times. Moreover, they think he will have a long career. Yet, teams are reluctant to pull the trigger. The Sonics are considering him at 25.
    • Ronny Turiaf played very well in Chicago and measured well. He will be drafted and could be a high second rounder if someone takes a liking.
    • Tre Simmons had a terrific camp in Chicago and has moved into the second round of the draft
    • Will Conroy after a strong work out at the first camp was disappointing in Chicago and will be a free agent.

    A common theme here is high schoolers. The new collective bargaining agreement has a clause that lets you move players to the NBDL while retaining their rights. This increases the value of 2nd round picks and is making teams more willing to gamble on high school prospects.

    1) High School product CJ Miles is on fire. He is being talked about in the top 20 of the draft. More likely the 6’6 shooting guard will be 20 to 30. He will be working out for the Sonics on Saturday.
    2) High School product Andray Blatche, a 6’11 prospect, may have moved into the top 20. The word is he denied Boston a workout and the Celtics are sitting at #18
    3) Luther Head may have worked himself into the first round of the draft with solid workouts.
    4) The big mystery is still where has 7 foot high schooler Andrew Bynum been promised.

    1) Julius Hodge. Despite a great body and a versatile game his inability to shoot is really hurting his stock.
    2) Joey Graham. He has a great body. One of the best ever. However, his disappearance in the NCAA tournament and lack luster workouts is a question.
    3) Chris Taft. The Pittsburg power forward has slide more and more ever day. The Sonics will work him out on Saturday.
    4) Kennedy Winston. Once a first rounder now is a 2nd round pick.

    # posted by Locked on Sports @ 4:14 PM 3 comments
    "I think right now we are not capable of finding a way to win, or we are unable to, or don't know how to, or something,'' Carter said.

  18. #39
    rautacios caseta's Avatar
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    nefinalizat inca

    suns il dau pe quentin richardson la knicks pt kurt thomas

    nu inteleg de ce suns l-ar vrea pe thomas in locul lui q. q arunca bine de 3p, ceea ce ii ajuta sa "spread the floor" si ii facea loc lui amare. in plus nu am auzit sa nu se fi inteles cu ceilalti jucatori, asa ca ....
    daca suns vor sa aiba ceva chemistry ... ar tre sa isi pastreze un "core" de citiva jucatori fo 2-3 ani, cit il mai tine si pe nash, ca nu o sa poata fugi asa pina la 50 de ani.
    thomas e destul de batriior, e un PF care a jucat mult C si nu prea vad cum vor sa il foloseasca suns. ca C nu ar avea sens, iar ca PF ... inseamna sa il mute pe marion inapoi SF dar ... nu se stie cum le va afecta asta atacul. pina acum era amare + 4 oameni care puteau sa arunce de 3p. acum amare va avea mai multe double teams si ar fi bine sa invete repede sa scoata mingea la omu liber.

    cit despre de ce knicks mai iau un SG (au deja fo 3 - crawford, houston, hardaway) ..... nici nu ma mai intreb. deja au practic o echipa formata din marbury + o circa de SF si o gasca de PF. cred ca se numeste "strategia lu' isiah" .... sau pur si simplu isiah thomas vrea sa vada daca ii poate falimenta pe cablevision (proprietarii lui knicks) la fel cum a falimentat cba-ul.
    Now this, my friend, is gonna be fun

  19. #40
    sport legend mishu's Avatar
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    la cum a jucat q-rich in playoff si in special in seria cu san antonio eu l-as da imediat (daca tin bine minte el inainte a jucat pe la clippers deci oricum nu e obisnuit cu ce se petrece in playoff)... e adevarat ca e greu pt kurt thomas sa se integreze in atacul de la suns... dar in aparare eu zic ca poate sa ii ajute...
    cat despre knicks ii dau dreptate lui caseta aproape in totalitate... totusi ei au incercat si in anii trecuti sa-l dea pe kurt... iar daca reusesc acum, un backcourt cu marbury-crawford-richardson nu arata chiar rau... totul e ce pui sub cos... poate ar putea sa ia ceva tare din draft... si sigur le trebuie un antrenor cu mana de fier (in primul rand sa-l controleze pe marbury)...
    "Unii oameni vor. Altii isi doresc. [B]Altii fac.[/B]" - Michael Jordan

  20. #41
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    Q a avut meciuri in care "a dat" 0 puncte in vreo 30 de minute de joc...

    Anyway, uite aici "RUMORS":
    "I think right now we are not capable of finding a way to win, or we are unable to, or don't know how to, or something,'' Carter said.

  21. #42
    sport legend SilverZeus's Avatar
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    ...ii dau dreptate lui Mishu.....Suns trebuie sa se fortifice in aparare, despre Quentin, el avea contract pana in 2010, iar Suns cred ca se gandesc in viitor sa ii prelungeasca mai bine contractul lui Joe Johnson (care oricum e mult mai bun defender decat Q) decat sa il tzina pe Quentin
    You watch some teams these days and you wonder if they just met on the playground and decided to choose up sides.[/B][/U]Dennis Rodman

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