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  1. #1
    sashi-duo Kainsashiki's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2005

    Versuri preferate

    Pe threadul acesta vom posta versuri care ne plac

    Sisu & Puya - Gandeste liber

    Suntem impresionati de vile, bani si bijuterii
    Suntem mirati de ce masini conduc unii copii
    Suntem fascinati de lumina reflectata in diamante
    Admiram blanurile de pe bagaboante
    Si vrem s-avem ce n-am avut vreodata
    Asteptam mosteniri de la vreo baba moarta
    Vrem ca altii sa gandeasca, altii sa vorbeasca
    Si vrem fara efort un cont care sa creasca
    Visam milioane, o ploaie de hartii,
    Desteapta-te romane, avem noroc doar cand suntem copii
    Avem noroc cand familia e-n jurul nostru
    Cineva te asigura ca n-i sub pat nici un monstru
    Si cresti, trebuie sa inveti, doare
    Trebuie sa curga lacrimi, sange si sudoare
    Tara asta prin asta a fost cladita
    Si libertatea asta prin asta a fost platita.

    Nu sta degeaba
    Stiu care-i treaba
    Noi suntem gata
    Hai, schimba-ti soarta.

    Astept sincer sa muriti, da
    Nu aveti ce cauta in generatia mea
    Dupa 15 ani tot intalnesti
    Capete patrate indoctrinate de Ceuasesti
    Peste tot ma lovesc de ei, ii intalnesc
    Cand imi vorbesc la tv simt ca innebunesc
    Au pretentia sa aplaudam fortat
    Pozeaza in incoruptibili desi spaga au luat
    Ipocriti, tarani, in creiere au vid
    Inca se mai vad secretari de partid
    Ideile lor fixe ma agaseaza
    O sa beau de bucurie atunci cand decedeaza
    Ca ma deranjeaza e ca inca ne conduc
    E 2005, vreau sa va trezesc, atat
    Desteapta-te romane, e timpul sa o faci
    Altfel in continuare prea multe o sa tragi.


    Gandeste liber, nu te lasa influentat
    Nu-i lasa pe altii sa-ti bage idei in cap
    Altfel vei fi controlat, mani****t
    Folosit si pe urma aruncat
    Precum un kamikaze care se-arunca in aer
    Tu ii vezi Dumnezeu si ei te vad un fraier
    Strig 'Desteptarea', e timpul sa o faci
    Desteapta-te romane, nu e timpul sa taci.
    Gandeste liber, nu urma turma
    Pentru ca-ntr-o buna zi o sa iti pierzi urma
    Fa ceva pentru ai tai, fa ceva pentru tine
    Nu te lasa prostit de politicieni, nu-i bine
    Sunt ca un cancer pe trupul tarii mele
    Asemeni lu Luchiano dau ?? lichele
    Si daca toti sunt prezenti vreau sa vada
    Eu si generatia mea ne facem alta soarta.

  2. #2
    springbok Gontel's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    za lend of ciois
    Zale - Vremuri mai bune (remix)(cu Praetor)

    trecutu` ingroapa incet greseala
    si atunci tacutul prinde glas
    iar viata schimba fiecare pas
    privind totul altfel masurand din compas
    ce a fost se scade din ce este si tot ce a ramas esti tu
    incercand vantul cu velele plangand cuvantul incalcat
    vazand castele de nisip ce le-ai calcat pe drum
    pacatu` e ca acum nu stii ca zeul e in tine si te priveste
    greu te priveste, pedepseste cand te gresesti te linisteste
    neliniste te creste iti sopteste ca va veni o vreme cand
    vei vedea arzand tot ce-i rau imbratisand ce-i bine
    uitand de tine cel de demult spunand viitorului te ascult
    si atunci vor fi complet uitate zilele cand vroiai sa uiti de toate
    de toate, de toate, de toate, de toate

    [refren x2*]
    vor veni vremuri mai bune
    cineva imi tot spune imi sopteste mereu cand gresesc
    ma linisteste cand imi amintesc totul
    sunt jumatate viu` jumatate mortu`

    sezand pe o culme contempland
    ma izbeste in tampla vantul
    privelistea trezeste gandul
    care se ascude o umbra sumbra
    ce umbla din colt in colt
    respingatoare si lugubra
    intr-un plan de idei vad femei sechestrate mii
    satisfacand cate 3 lupi pe cate 5 lei
    in alt program de idei
    vad structuri degradate ale unei societati conduse de farisei
    mafioti intelectuali bagabonti malefici
    mardeiasi fermecatori si parlagii tin predici
    perspective noi baga spaima in oi
    berbeci tirani cu tirantii lor impart puterea in 2
    cu iluzii optice si palmares la sectii
    criminali nevinovati ce le starnesc e*****i
    propun pe aceasta cale un moment de reculegere
    pentru cei ce au indraznit sa depuna plangere


    sunt nascut in luna lui cuptor
    de aceea prognozez cu gandul la un calduros viitor
    la ziua in care ma voi topi de bucurie
    ploand in camera copilului meu un ocean de jucarie
    cutremurandu-ma cu magnitudine de record pe scara
    de greutate sacoselor oamenilor ce ies din alimentara
    variabilele importante de maine fiind altele
    decat ratele, caldura, taxele si banii de paine
    la stiri aud de atrocitati gen l-a latra un caine
    al carui bot a fost condamnat la 8 zile de botnita
    fug la vot racit cobza din pat afara dand burnita
    sunt bagat in ceata afland ca presedintele in drum spre serviciu
    a alunecat pe gheata
    mii de pusti in centru la concertu` lu wu-tang
    mii de deg-uri pe alocuri statui cu shulghen hill ghen
    intr-un cuvant nivelul de trai urcand la moderat
    m-a speriat si m-am trezit cand a fulgerat

    [B][FONT="System"]"Rap is what you do, Hip-Hop is what you live" - KRS One[/FONT][/B] [SIZE="4"][/SIZE]

  3. #3
    John Anthony Dudubetwin's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Versuri "Parazitii - Dex 2000"

    "Editia de azi a emisiunii noastre are ca invitati 8 personalitati de marca, impreuna cu care vom incerca sa explicam succint cateva cuvinte foarte uzitate. Cred ca ar fi o idee buna sa incepem cu cuvantul "p*la"
    Unicul cuvant care te umple in gura
    membru de sub patura, de natura, dar element bizar
    Si`l are in panataloni orice *******
    Un cuvant sumar
    Care atarna greu,baza evolutiei, din epoca de piatra spre epoca de fier
    Doua silabe de carne, intre doua palme
    Am explicat cuvantul p*la
    Trecem mai departe
    Substanta care apare des in coltzul gurii
    Reprezinta rezultatul, lipicios al dracu
    Inghitit in sila, slobozit din mila
    Cimenteaza clar, o relatie stabila
    Foarte indicat in tratamentul pt ten
    Si videca rapid, complicatiile d orice fel
    Obtinut in graba, prin laba
    De isterice, din vremuri istorice
    Conducator de boli venerice

    Un scurt moment publicitar....
    reprezint zona Zoster
    Si te f*t la creier
    reprezint zona Zoster
    Si te f*t la creier
    Am sa`ti bag in gura doar dictionare
    reprezint zona Zoster
    Shi te f*t la creier
    Am sa`ti bag in gura doar dictionare

    Am revenit in direct alaturi de invitatii nostri pt a explica cuvantul m*ie
    Buze pe mal
    Si voie buna
    Ai genunchii la urechi
    Si`o p*la infipta in gura
    Lumina lunii te bate in ceafa
    Stai aplecata, de unde shi expresia
    Faci beregata
    Ai probleme de mandibula
    Vezi abdomene la orizont
    Te iei in gura, i p*la cu un vagabond
    In direct, de la poarta cortului
    relatare d la baza gatului

    Vocabular(un fel de p*la mea)
    Un copil de 9 ani te`njura k la scoala
    D mama, care d fapt e o doamna
    Personaj integru
    Face dragoste, nu f*te
    Nu se scarpina la c**ie
    Se maseaza incet in baie
    Modul meu de exprimare, brevetat in cartier
    Oare sunt obscen?
    Pt noi ati inventat un vocabular pervers

    Reprezint zona Zoster
    Shi te f*t la creier
    Reprezint zona Zoster
    Shi te f*t la creier
    Am sa`ti bag p gat doar dictionare

    emisiunea noastra se incheie aicï

    Cea mai tare
    [SIZE="2"][FONT="Comic Sans MS"][B]shhhhht Fraerii dorm si noi nu vrem sa ii trezim din somn[/B][/FONT][/SIZE]

  4. #4
    Platanu's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Dudubetwin View Post
    Versuri "Parazitii - Dex 2000"

    Cea mai tare
    Aveti grija cu versurile astea,ca nu dau bine pe acest thread.

  5. #5
    c'est la vie whisper's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2006
    numai hip-hop ia sa schimbam registrul:


    ( Terry Jacks )

    Goodbye to you my trusted friend
    We've known each other since we were nine or ten
    Together we climbed hills and trees
    Learned of love and A B C's
    Skinned our hearts and skinned our knees.

    Goodbye my friend it's hard to die
    When all the birds are singing in the sky
    Now that the spring is in the air
    Pretty girls are everywhere
    Think of me and I'll be there

    We had joy we had fun
    We had seasons in the sun
    But the hills that we climbed were just seasons
    Out of time......

    Goodbye Papa please pray for me
    I was the black sheep of the family
    You tried to teach me right from wrong
    Too much wine and too much song
    Wonder how I got along.

    Goodbye Papa its hard to die
    When all the birds are singing in the sky
    Now that the spring is in the air
    Little children everywhere
    When you see them I'll be there.

    We had joy we had fun
    We had seasons in the sun
    But the wine and the song like the seasons
    Have all gone.

    We had joy we had fun
    We had seasons in the sun
    But the wine and the song like the seasons
    Have all gone.

    Goodbye Michelle my little one
    You gave me love and helped me find the sun
    And every time that I was down
    You would always come around
    And get my feet back on the ground.

    Goodbye Michelle it's hard to die
    When all the birds are singing in the sky
    Now that the spring is in the air
    With the flowers everywhere
    I wish that we could both be there

    We had joy we had fun
    We had seasons in the sun
    But the stars we could reach
    Were just starfish on the beach

    We had joy we had fun
    We had seasons in the sun
    But the stars we could reach
    Were just starfish on the beach

    We had joy we had fun
    We had seasons in the sun
    But the wine and the song like the seasons
    Have all gone

    All our lives we had fun
    We had seasons in the sun
    But the hills that we climbed were just seasons
    Out of time......

    We had joy we had fun
    We had seasons in the sun
    "We believe Hanyu could win the gold because Daisuke Takahashi, the ace in Japan’s men’s figure skating, paved the way to the world for the other Japanese figure skaters."
    The Japan News, February 2014

  6. #6
    Ground Breaker r0bby's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Nu lasa-le!.... atat cat timp sunt cenzurate nu aduc nici o problema!Insa mai usor cu versuri din acestea!Incercati sa postati ceva mai putin vulgar..

  7. #7
    Platanu's Avatar
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    Sep 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by r0bby View Post
    Nu lasa-le!.... atat cat timp sunt cenzurate nu aduc nici o problema!Insa mai usor cu versuri din acestea!Incercati sa postati ceva mai putin vulgar..
    Eu le las,nu le sterg.Am zis doar pe viitor sa o lase mai moale cu versurile de acest gen.

  8. #8
    sashi-duo Kainsashiki's Avatar
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    Jun 2005
    ziceti-mi daca va plac versurile astea:

    "Ai fost cea mai dulce fata in viata mea, dar ce pacat ca tu ai fost asa de rea, iubirea mea, priveste cum plange acum inima mea si n-are cin' sa-i stearga lacrima. Viata mea fara tine e pustie, inima mea plange si nu stie de ce s-a indragostit si-are de suferit, cine-o fi vinovat pentru ce s-a intamplat ?"

  9. #9
    Platanu's Avatar
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    Sep 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by DiabLo View Post
    ziceti-mi daca va plac versurile astea:

    "Ai fost cea mai dulce fata in viata mea, dar ce pacat ca tu ai fost asa de rea, iubirea mea, priveste cum plange acum inima mea si n-are cin' sa-i stearga lacrima. Viata mea fara tine e pustie, inima mea plange si nu stie de ce s-a indragostit si-are de suferit, cine-o fi vinovat pentru ce s-a intamplat ?"

    Cred ca sunt versuri de manea,din cate imi dau eu seama.

  10. #10
    sashi-duo Kainsashiki's Avatar
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    Jun 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Platanu View Post
    Cred ca sunt versuri de manea,din cate imi dau eu seama.

    nu e manea
    Last edited by Kainsashiki; 16th November 2006 at 21:27.

  11. #11
    Ground Breaker r0bby's Avatar
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    Aug 2006
    ..da diablo...bine zici..dar incercati sa o lasati mai moale cu parazitii sau macar sa acoperiti unele cuvinte!...

  12. #12
    sashi-duo Kainsashiki's Avatar
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    Jun 2005
    vezi ca am dat edit

  13. #13
    Ground Breaker r0bby's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    atunci e bine!voi reveni si eu cu niste versuri!

  14. #14
    kinki lola pinki's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    All Saints - Rocksteady

    Years on the run
    Boy I know I can take it
    And now that I'm here
    I know you can't stand the waiting, boy
    Lets say no more games
    No messing with the mind
    Always room for change
    Let's give it one more try
    (Come on lets give it a try)

    I got my bags packed baby and i'm ready to go
    Look at my eyes rock steady and I promise you more
    I got My heart back baby and it's skipping a beat
    I got my ass in check, checkin' out, I'm ready to feel

    It's all good to go
    I'm right here for the taking
    (oooh ticky ticky ticky)
    Don't cross the line
    I'll promise you no fakin', boy
    (no no no no)
    Its all understood
    No messing with the rules
    (the rules, the rules)
    If I let you go
    Boy I will be a fool
    (What kind of girl wants to be a fool?)

    I got my bags packed baby and i'm ready to go
    Look at my eyes rock steady and I promise you more
    I got My heart back baby and it's skipping a beat
    I got my ass in check, checkin' out, I'm ready to feel

    Tell me why we act so stupid, the games we're playing (oooh)
    If life is the rule then we're heading towards the same thing
    You are not worthless with love instead of the fighting (oooh)
    Let's get together forever with no more hiding

    I got my bags packed baby and i'm ready to go
    Look at my eyes rock steady and I promise you more
    I got My heart back baby and it's skipping a beat
    I got my ass in check, checkin' out, I'm ready to feel

    I got my bags packed baby and i'm ready to go
    Look at my eyes rock steady and I promise you more
    I got My heart back baby and it's skipping a beat
    I got my ass in check, checkin' out, I'm ready to feel

    nu sunt cine stie ce versurile, dar imi place melodia f mult zilele astea

    si mai am una (obsesiile mele recente):

    Luther Vandross - Shine

    Ya'll came here to gave it up
    So come on and show me what you got
    It's about to be on baby non-stop
    Tonight you're gonna get your time to shine
    Nobody but stars in here tonight
    Dancing underneath the party light
    When I see you working that body right
    Tonight you're gonna get your time to shine

    I've been waiting, now I'm ready for the main event
    All the ladies and the players in here just to kill
    Choose a winner who has flavor looking on for style
    Only the best can pass this test, let me check you out

    In the mist of a fierce competition
    Get a view from a better position
    A little closer now you got my attention
    Maybe your my, my, my superstar
    Keep showing me moves that are blazing
    Cause you're teasing my imagination
    Don't believe I can fight temptation
    I think you already know that

    Ya'll came here to gave it up
    So come on and show me what you got
    It's about to be on baby non-stop
    Tonight you're gonna get your time to shine
    Nobody but stars in here tonight
    Dancing underneath the party light
    When I see you working that body right
    Tonight you're gonna get your time to shine

    Your time, your time to shine
    Shine, shine, shine, shine groove shine
    Your time, your time to shine
    Shine, shine, shine, shine it's alright

    Spotlight search for someone special could you be the one
    If you're nothing, don't get jealous, just keep moving on
    Feet to the beat so hot the heat, spraying of the shine
    So cling, so fresh, a real good kiss so I'm gonna make you mine

    In the mist of a fierce competition
    Get a view from a better position
    A little closer now you got my attention
    Maybe your my, my, my superstar
    Keep showing me moves that are blazing
    Cause you're teasing my imagination
    Don't believe I can fight temptation
    I think you already know that

    Ya'll came here to gave it up
    So come on and show me what you got
    It's about to be on baby non-stop
    Tonight you're gonna get your time to shine
    Nobody but stars in here tonight
    Dancing underneath the party light
    When I see you working that body right
    Tonight you're gonna get your time to shine

    Your time, your time to shine
    Shine, shine, shine, shine groove shine
    It's alright, alright to shine
    Shine, shine, shine, shine it's alright

    Ya'll came here to gave it up
    It's about to be on baby non-stop
    Nobody but stars in here tonight
    When I see you working that body right

    Ya'll came here to gave it up
    So come on and show me what you got
    It's about to be on baby non-stop
    Tonight you're gonna get your time to shine
    Nobody but stars in here tonight
    Dancing underneath the party light
    When I see you working that body right
    Tonight you're gonna get your time to shine

    Your time, your time to shine
    Shine, shine, shine, shine groove shine
    It's alright, alright to shine
    Shine, shine, shine, shine it's alright
    [FONT="Book Antiqua"][SIZE="3"][B][COLOR="Gray"]love's not blind, it's retarded.[/COLOR][/B][/SIZE][/FONT]

  15. #15
    c'est la vie whisper's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Artist: Amedeo Minghi
    Album: Dallo Stadio Olimpico Live
    Year: 1993
    Title: I Ricordi Del Cuore

    speranze che sperai,
    sorrisi e pianti miei.
    Promesse di allegria
    e sogni in cui
    Ed il primo spietato Amor mio
    siete per me.
    Perduti e persi mai
    Di voi mi appassionai.
    Su di voi giurai
    e mi ci tormentai.
    Pare niente ma
    il cuore era il mio
    poi c'eri Tu...
    Vento soffierà,
    la pioggia pioverà,
    la nebbia velerà,
    il sole picchierà.
    Ed il ricordo
    il ricordo di Te,
    non passa mai
    non passa mai.
    Ma che buoni
    quei baci fra noi.
    Forse tu,
    non vuoi smettere mai.
    Per vederti mi bastano
    gli occhi lucidi.
    Se ti piace e se
    ancora tu vuoi
    nel ricordo,
    anche senza di noi
    tutto torna possibile,
    anche tu,
    sei qui,
    Qui nel cuore mio......
    I ricordi non passano mai
    eccoli qui.
    Sono molto più forti di noi .
    più vivi.
    "We believe Hanyu could win the gold because Daisuke Takahashi, the ace in Japan’s men’s figure skating, paved the way to the world for the other Japanese figure skaters."
    The Japan News, February 2014

  16. #16
    betandwin TaciAcolo's Avatar
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    Dec 2005
    Versuri "Vama Veche - Curvelor, cu drag"

    "Ai platit o noapte, poti sa faci ce vrei cu mine
    Asa ii spuse fata, in timp ce-l dezbraca incet, incet...
    "Vrei sa raman pe tocuri, vrei sa ma lipesc usor de zid...
    Pot sa gem adanc, in timp ce tu iti bagi placerea-n mine....
    Spune-mi ca sunt tarfa, spune-mi tot ce ei nu-i spui..."
    Fata il cuprinde, barbatul explodeaza, si arde....

    Curvele stiu sa ne dea foc
    Curvele stiu sa ne stinga focul
    Curvele nu pun intrebari
    Nu vor sa stie unde ai fost aseara
    Curvele sunt triste mereu
    De mii de ani dimineata e greu...
    Curvele mor, pot suferi
    Singuratatea din zori de zi...

    "Ai sa vi si maine, ai sa vi si-n multe alte zile...
    Sunt o tarfa proasta,dar am sani frumosi ca luna mai...
    Vad ca iar iti vine sa mai uiti de tine inc-o ora
    Pune banii acolo, dezbraca-ma si fa-mi...fa-mi tot ce vrei..."

    Curvele stiu sa ne dea foc
    Curvele stiu sa ne stinga focul
    Curvele nu pun intrebari
    Nu vor sa stie unde ai fost aseara
    Curvele sunt triste mereu
    De mii de ani dimineata e greu...
    Curvele mor, pot suferi
    Singuratatea din zori de zi...

    Nimeni nu vrea sa auda de voi, dar toata lumea va stie adresa
    Nimeni nu vrea sa auda de voi, dar toata lumea va stïe adresa...

    [I][FONT="Lucida Console"][COLOR="RoyalBlue"][I] Oltenia pandura a lui Tudor Si-a lui Arghezi si-a atator dusi Oltenia celui mai mare sculptor Al omenirii, Constantin Brancusi. Oltenia , Eterna Terra-Nova![/I][/COLOR][/FONT][/I]

  17. #17
    Platanu's Avatar
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    Sep 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by robi_remus View Post
    Versuri "Vama Veche - Curvelor, cu drag"

    Bai fratilor,da' voua numa' versuri d-astea va plac?

  18. #18
    sashi-duo Kainsashiki's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    bai perversilor

  19. #19
    c'est la vie whisper's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2006
    An Angel -Kelly Familly

    I wish I had your pair of wings
    Had them last in my dreams
    I was chaising buterflies
    Till the sunrise broke my eyes
    Tonight the sky has glued my eyes
    Cause what they see`s aa angel hive
    I`ve got to touch that magic star
    And greet the angels in their hive
    Sometimes I wish I were an angel
    Sometimes I wish I were you
    And all the sweet honey from above
    Pour it all over me sweet love
    And while you`re flying around my head
    Your honey kisses keep me fed
    I wish I had your pair of wings
    Just like last night in my dreams
    I was lost in paradise
    Wish I`d never opened my eyes
    Sometimes I wish I were an angel
    Sometimes I wish I were you
    But there`s danger in the air
    Tryin` so hard to be unfair
    Danger`s in the air
    Tryin`so hard to give us a scare
    But were not afraid
    Sometimes I wish I were an angel
    Sometimes I wish I were you
    Wish I were you
    Oh I wish I were you


    Girl, youre my angel, youre my darling angel
    Closer than my peeps you are to me, baby
    Shorty, youre my angel, youre my darling
    Girl, youre my friend when Im in need, lady

    Life is one big party when youre still young
    But whos gonna have your back when its all
    Its all good when youre little, you have
    Pure fun
    Cant be a fool, son, what about the long run
    Looking back shorty always mention
    Said me not giving her much attention
    She was there through my incarceration
    I want to show the nation my appreciation

    Girl, youre my angel, youre my darling
    Closer than my peeps you are to me, baby
    Shorty, youre my angel, youre my darling
    Girl, youre my friend when Im in need, lady

    Youre a queen and so you should be treated
    Though you never get the lovin that you
    Could have left, but I called and you heeded
    Begged and I pleaded, mission completed
    Mama said that I and I dissed the program
    Not the type to mess around with her emotion
    But the feeling that I offer you is so
    Been together so long and this could never be

    Girl, youre my angel, youre my darling
    Closer than my peeps you are to me, baby
    Shorty, youre my angel, youre my darling
    Girl, youre my friend when Im in need, lady

    Uh, uh
    Girl, in spite of my behavior, said Im your
    (you must be sent from up above)
    And you appear to me so tender, say girl i
    (thanks for giving me your love)

    Girl, in spite of my behavior, well, you are
    My savior
    (you must be sent from up above)
    And you appear to me so tender, well, girl i
    (said thanks for giving me your love)

    Now life is one big party when youre still
    And whos gonna have your back when its all
    Its all good when youre little, you have
    Pure fun
    Cant be a fool, son, what about the long run
    Looking back shorty always mention
    Said me not giving her much attention
    She was there through my incarceration
    I wanna show the nation my appreciation

    Girl, youre my angel, youre my darling
    Closer than my peeps you are to me, baby
    Shorty, youre my angel, youre my darling
    Girl, youre my friend when Im in need, lady

    Girl, youre my angel, youre my darling
    Closer than my peeps you are to me, baby
    Shorty, youre my angel, youre my darling
    Girl, youre my friend when Im in need, lady
    "We believe Hanyu could win the gold because Daisuke Takahashi, the ace in Japan’s men’s figure skating, paved the way to the world for the other Japanese figure skaters."
    The Japan News, February 2014

  20. #20
    springbok Gontel's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    za lend of ciois
    Vad ca e ceva lume pe forumul asta careia ii place rapul.
    [B][FONT="System"]"Rap is what you do, Hip-Hop is what you live" - KRS One[/FONT][/B] [SIZE="4"][/SIZE]

  21. #21
    betandwin TaciAcolo's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    sunt versuri reale mai ales ultima parte
    Nimeni nu vrea sa auda de voi, dar toata lumea va stie adresa
    Nimeni nu vrea sa auda de voi, dar toata lumea va stïe adresa..
    [I][FONT="Lucida Console"][COLOR="RoyalBlue"][I] Oltenia pandura a lui Tudor Si-a lui Arghezi si-a atator dusi Oltenia celui mai mare sculptor Al omenirii, Constantin Brancusi. Oltenia , Eterna Terra-Nova![/I][/COLOR][/FONT][/I]

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