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22nd June 2007, 21:19
pai, am sa le pun pe threadul lui Yags cu video-uri ;)

skater girl
22nd June 2007, 21:24
вы очень славны!!!!утесы yags:) :P

22nd June 2007, 22:22
dar pe cel despre yags si tat l-ati vz " i'll stand by you " de lynn. bine sigur marce l-a vz dar restul lumii??? ca daca nu, merita!!! eu chiar m-am bocit !!!!

skater girl
22nd June 2007, 22:32
nope,don't think so?...can u post a link or smth!thx!:)

22nd June 2007, 22:40
Nici eu nu l-am vazut. Cum a zis si skater girl, poti sa ni-l arati si noua pls?:kiss:

22nd June 2007, 23:26
hai k pun linkul acum ;)

boceala placuta :((

22nd June 2007, 23:40
aaa, mersi marce ca l-ai pus ca pe mine m-a luat un pic valul si am uitat. soory!!!

22nd June 2007, 23:46
bine zis:"boceala placuta":( .....that was very moving....http://yelims.free.fr/Groumph/Triste20.gif

22nd June 2007, 23:46
cu placere ;)

@flying_dreamz http://imagecache2.allposters.com/images/pic/NIM/ARM554~Bearcub-Hug-Posters.jpg

23rd June 2007, 00:59
Tocmai am plans si eu putin. chiar este super emotionant.
Thanks Marce.:)

24th June 2007, 00:01
ce dragutza e poza cu ursuletzul....!!! :kiss:

24th June 2007, 01:29
uitati-va cu atentie la faza in care pupa fetitele...induiosator

24th June 2007, 02:10
scuze de postul consecutiv
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XypSd6kQIvs rivalitatea plush-yags....pacat de podiumul ala,trebuia sa arate altfel
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bok2kdylnTQ ceva kissuri de la alexei
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DQoJ0yIYVGE doi intr-unul http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QkPcdU49QJA super oferta, yags+plus+bri+steph intr-un singur pachet
hope u enjoy them, hope it`s the 1st time u watch them

26th June 2007, 14:51
Legenda din Tel-Aviv, Israel, e foarte recent clipul :D

26th June 2007, 18:16
pfoai, si mie nu imi merg clipurile de pe youtube, darn

8th July 2007, 17:57
ia uite la plushy ce zice de yags, nu i-ar fi rusine?
"Q. As though you have commented on conversations in occasion of returning in Alexey Yagudin's big sports?

A. Yagudin participated in several professional tournaments, and by rules ISU it has lost the status of the fan. If not it, its command should know about it before to speak about possible returning in sports. If it has been made with the purpose to remind of itself, to stir up interest to the person, that, I think, it is possible to choose other ways for PR-campaigns.

Q. But if theoretically to assume, what you again with Yagudin will meet on an ice?

A. It would be interesting. Anyway, for me. Let him come back. I am afraid of nobody."

In other words, Yagudin should clear it with the ISU before talking about a comeback. There are other ways to promote oneself. And even if he does come back, I'm not afraid.

8th July 2007, 18:14
bah...cat e de .... cu nasul pe sus :angry:
of doamne, cat de...aaaaaaaa....mai bine ma abtin de la comentarii

8th July 2007, 19:08
:angry: :mda: Plushy este asa de Plushy si de rus :mda: Nu are ce zice...si se ia de Yags....sper sa il bate Brian,Steph,Weir,Verner,Lutai....sa iasa pe locu 10 :drak:

9th July 2007, 13:32
asta a fost foarte nepoliticos din partea lui...:mda: ce bine ar fi....cum zici tu whisper sa il bata tomy verner si brian, si steph....si kriss si weir.........:evil:

10th July 2007, 19:54
Nu ii asa ca am mare dreptate :evil:

10th July 2007, 19:56
cand ai...ai...nu am nimic ce zice :P

10th July 2007, 20:09
Thanks Marce..asa e cam rar dar am :P

16th July 2007, 19:00
deci: ultimele noutati related to Alexei :P (asta asa, pe scurt ;))
-operatia la sold a fost un succes si acum urmeaza o perioada de recuperare de vreo 2 saptamani
- a zis ca nu se intoarce in eligible skating, chiar daca si-a facut operatia la sold, luand decizia sa ramana in prof.skating

cam atat :)

daca se mai aude ceva, va mai tin la curent ;):D

skater girl
16th July 2007, 21:50
mersi de info,marce:)...ma gandeam eu k nu se mai intoarce la amatori,eram preciiiiisa!!;),pakt....dar oricum we shall never forget him,no matter what!!!!!!!!:dance:
si revenind la specimenul ala,parameciul ala,ziceati k fac eu prea mult misto de el si jignesc hoardele,puhoaiele de fani???:groggy:care fani maik??are vreunul??:o:merita sa aiba,in primul rand???shame on him for talking like that about yags!!!:no:putin respect k doar n-are talentul si succesul lui alexei!!!!god I HATE PLUSH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:drak::mda::rosu:Dar nu-mi mai bat capul cu el,the hell with evgeni:evil:

16th July 2007, 21:54
Domnu' Plush..putin respect ca nici tu nu mai ai 20 de ani....roata vietii se intoarce...

skater girl
16th July 2007, 22:15
cine eu??;)nici makr n-am 20 de ani...:cry:

17th July 2007, 00:08
nu mey, era vorba de plush. ;)

17th July 2007, 00:39
Lui Plush nu ii mai ajunge nimeni la nas...nici nu prea ar avea cum la ce nas mare are:P....sper sa aiba o intoarecere foarte nefericita si lipsita de glorie....ca prea se da mare. Sper sa il bata si Brian si Tomas si Steph...sa vedem ce mai zice atunci.

17th July 2007, 00:46
da ar fi bine. sa-i mai treaca fumurile. nu zic ca nu e bine sa iti cunosti valoarea, dar ar fi buna si un pic de modestie. :)

17th July 2007, 23:07
Si cum mai Alex sa ii zicem dl Plushy:cry: Atunci va rog,aveti putin respect si para mi..suntem de-o varsta :happy

skater girl
17th July 2007, 23:10
dl plushy???lol...om batran si fara minte...dar pe ce thread suntem noi acum pt a dezbate ce a zis plush???intreb din curiozitate:rolleyes:

17th July 2007, 23:14
Ai dreptate,Delia..sa vorbim despre Alexei..doar el e :no1

skater girl
17th July 2007, 23:27
da:D!!pai trebuia sa va aduk cineva cu picioarele pe pamant!:rolleyes::o:!erati putin pe campii!!!:yes::D

18th July 2007, 00:00
da:D!!pai trebuia sa va aduk cineva cu picioarele pe pamant!:rolleyes::o:!erati putin pe campii!!!:yes::D
Ce ti se pare ciudat?Il aparam pe Alexei pe topicul lui

skater girl
18th July 2007, 13:24
aparati-l draga...n-am nimic impotriva!

18th July 2007, 14:55
:angry: :mda: Plushy este asa de Plushy si de rus :mda: Nu are ce zice...si se ia de Yags....sper sa il bate Brian,Steph,Weir,Verner,Lutai....sa iasa pe locu 10 :drak:

Pai, Plush nu s-a oferit sa comenteze despre Yags (adica nu s-a luat de Yags) ci pur si simplu a raspuns la intrebarea ziaristului. Tinind cont ca e o traducere facuta de un fan care evident nu stapineste limba engleza foarte bine ( poate nici limba rusa si a folosit un on-line translator), nu cred ca iti poti da seama care de a fost de fapt tonul lui Plush, lipsit de respect sau nu.
Si e normal sa spuna ca nu-i e frica de nimeni. Asa declara toti sportivii care se respecta. Altfel n-ar fi ajuns campion. Sunt convinsa ca si Yags ar fi raspuns la fel! (N-a fost el cel care a declarat ca nu-i e frica de nimeni ci doar de el insusi?).
Da’, bineinteles, Plush nu merita nici o circumstanta atenuanta fiindca are nas mare, vrea sa se intoarca-n competitii etc.;)

skater girl
18th July 2007, 21:55
ducesa!!!!!:kiss:draga de tine!!!:)missed u sooo much!u can't even imagine!;)...ai mare dreptate draga,plush si-a spus punctul de vedere nu trebuie sa-l judekm pt asta,kiar dak...(citez din memorie)"are nas mare si fatza de bou"-n-am zis eu asta,vreun fan cred:rolleyes:

18th July 2007, 22:11
ducesa!!!!!:kiss:draga de tine!!!:)missed u sooo much!u can't even imagine!;)...ai mare dreptate draga,plush si-a spus punctul de vedere nu trebuie sa-l judekm pt asta,kiar dak...(citez din memorie)"are nas mare si fatza de bou"-n-am zis eu asta,vreun fan cred:rolleyes:

haha, un fan????:happy... nu cred k un fan ar zice asa ceva :happy

skater girl
18th July 2007, 22:15
cred k stii deja numele fanului:evil:

18th July 2007, 22:25
cred k stiu p cineva....:rolleyes:

skater girl
18th July 2007, 22:31
sa nu dai nume...k se supara prietena mea,da???cine-s aia care indraznesc sa se ia de plush??? hai k deja suntem pe campii rau de tot,de unde a pornit discutia asta pana la urma??;)

18th July 2007, 22:55
nu dau nume draga, nu te ingrijora!;)
discutia a pornit de la un comentariu al lui plush despre yagudin :P da' cred k staiai asta :P

18th July 2007, 23:11
Iar atzi plecat pe campii..macar ati vazut taranu :cry:..lasati-l pe Plushy in pace..daca vrea sa revina sa revina..daca va fi campion va fii si asta e...dar speram din tot sufletul sa nu fie..nu ii asa:D

skater girl
19th July 2007, 10:17
whisperitza:kiss:mi amiga!!!!!desigur k speram din tot sufletzelul nostru acest lucru!!!da doamne!!!:rolleyes:;)

19th July 2007, 12:24
ducesa!!!!!:kiss:draga de tine!!!:)missed u sooo much!u can't even imagine!;)...ai mare dreptate draga,plush si-a spus punctul de vedere nu trebuie sa-l judekm pt asta,kiar dak...(citez din memorie)"are nas mare si fatza de bou"-n-am zis eu asta,vreun fan cred:rolleyes:

Thanks for the kisses. Stiam eu ca ti-e dor de mine. Din pacate nu pot sa te keep entertained din lipsa de timp.
Oricum, de la un fan al lui "nas mare si fata de bou", especially for you (care probabil o concurezi pe Angelina Jolie), Steph in Romeo si Julieta (iulie,Japonia):

skater girl
19th July 2007, 12:47
ducesa,esti o dragutza:kiss:...ms de link!!trebuie sa recunosc k nu ma asteptam la asa ceva din partea ta???:rolleyes::rolleyes:cumva am vazut un stegulet alb!!;)U GIVE UP??????????????:mda:so fast!!!:D:P...sorry,n-am inteles faza cu angelina??unde vrei tu sa bati cu asta??huh?:o:

19th July 2007, 19:21
Inseamna ca iti face un compliment :P..

skater girl
19th July 2007, 21:17
un compliment gratuit:o:!!oricum eu nu ma dau in vant dupa angelica:groggy:....si cred k ducesa mi-a facut acest compliment din toata inima:rolleyes:lolex...

19th July 2007, 21:56
Bine da gata discutiile offtopic :P mutati-va pe friendship thread ,daca vreti :)

skater girl
19th July 2007, 22:05
o sa ne mutam!!ducesa...hai draga pe friendship thread...k ne-a gonit whisperitza;)...we have so much to talk about:drak:like real friends do!!!te astept acolo draga!!;)GATA CU OFFTOPICUL!!!il suparam pe yags!!ce-i cu neobrazarea asta:mda::rolleyes::yes:

19th July 2007, 22:22
Asa skateritzo;)..mutati-va si lasati threadul doar pt discutii despre :no1 Alexei!

skater girl
19th July 2007, 22:42
skateritzo???:happy:...i like it:P

6th August 2007, 19:53
Superstars on Ice,” an extravaganza featuring the male and female gold medalists at the World Figure Skating Championships last year, is coming to Korea in September. The show, sponsored by Hyundai Card, will be at the Mokdong Ice Rink for three nights starting Sept. 14. Teenage skating sensation Kim Yu-na (17) is among them. Kim is the 2007 Grand Prix Final winner and came third at the World Figure Skating Championships. Last year, she said it was “an honor” to compete with famous skaters. Now she herself is a queen.

Figure skating star Kim Yu-na smiles at a press conference on Tuesday.

At a news conference on Tuesday, Kim said, "I'm going to go to Canada for practice and design a new program with my coach in May. I'd like to use different choreography and music from last year's program." She revealed that she has grown another centimeter and now stands 1.63 m tall. Ando Miki, the world champion, will also join the show in Korea, as will Sarah Meier, the Swiss skater who ranked second in European Championship and third in the Grand Prix Final Champions, and Emily Hughes, who came second in the Four Continents Figure Skating Championships.

All male members of the cast are former Olympic or world champions. Brian Joubert of France won gold medals in the Grand Prix Final in 2006 and World Figure Skating Championships in 2007. He stood out with the glittering numbers “007" on his back as he skated to the James Bond signature tune at the event. Russian figure skaters Evgeni Plushenko and Alexei Yagudin will also delight fans of the sport. Plushenko, who won the world championships three times and won gold in the Winter Olympics last year, did not perform in any official competition last season. But he announced recently he will perform until the Vancouver Winter Olympics in 2010.

Yagudin, Plushenko’s archrival and a gold medalist at Winter Olympics in 2002, is widely po****r due to his clear and elegant performance even after he turned pro. Brian Orser, a Canadian figure skater also known as Kim Yu-na's coach, will perform and direct the show in September. Among the couples, it will also feature a re-match between Bulgaria's Albena Denkova and Maxim Staviski and Canada's Marie-France Dubreuil and Patrice Lauzon.

6th August 2007, 20:59
Ce oameni norocosi...:o:

11th August 2007, 15:39

Born March 18, 1980, in Saint Petersburg. Olympic Champion of 2002.

4-time World Champion – 1998, 1999, 2000, and 2002. Silver World medalist of 3002. Bronze World medalist of 1997. 3-time European champions – 1998, 1999, and 2002. 2-time European champion – 2000 and 2001.

Junior World champion of 1996.


Back then, we failed to track down Yagudin himself. The only thing I managed to get out of Tarasova is that the doctors insist the athlete be monitored constantly for two weeks to make sure the first rehabilitation period passes without complications. Tarasova therefore asked Alexei to take it easy in his leg, and to wait at least a month.

Yagudin himself called me. He confirmed that the surgery went well. He then shocked me with the following, “You know, I’ll call you later in the day. I want to hit the gym before the interview. I want to exercise, may be run for an hour or so.”

At the appointed time, the phone rang again.

“I am sorry I wasn’t returning your calls for awhile”, started Yagudin somewhat guiltily. “I was afraid of saying anything too early. I wanted to first understand if my scheme of returning to the eligible ice is at all realistic.”

“So, you did make that decision.”

“Yup. That’s why I flew to America for the tests. I would need to go to the hospital sooner or later anyway. I saw the X-rays of the hip joint. One didn’t need much medical knowledge to see that the joint was completely ruined. In addition, there were inflammation and swelling around it.

I flew in a few weeks before surgery, since the preliminary tests had to take a long time.”

“What exactly did the surgery do?”

“When I saw the X-rays two weeks after the surgery, the first thing I thought of was that I was now like the Terminator. I have a titanium hip. It looks menacing on the X-ray – a metal pin with a titanium head, and the joint mechanism itself is also made of titanium. I chose this metal myself. I was told, it acts very organically in the human body. It’s like it becomes a part of it.”

“Are you sure you’ll be able to train like before?”

“I want this badly. I understand well that I am now 27, and that I will be 29 by the Vancouver Games, that figure skating does not stay in place, and that the nervous system can’t handle the load as well; however, if I did the jumps cleanly before competition, and even did a triple axel at time, surely it won’t now be worse.

It will all depend on how the rehabilitation goes. I’m inspired by the example of Rudy Galindo, who replaced both of his hip joints in under two weeks, and skated in the Collins Tour six months later. If I medal at the 2010 Games in Vancouver, I’ll consider it a great accomplishment.”

“What if there is simply not enough place for you on the Olympic team? After all, there is no guarantee that Russia will be able to send two athletes to the Games.”

“You know, I once told Nikolai Morozov, who has already agreed to work with me permanently, that it will be good if Zhenya Plushenko returns to the sport by the next World championships. This way, Russia would have at least two places in the pre-Olympic season. He replied – if you already think you may not have a place on the team, then don’t even start.”

“So, Morozov will train you?”

“Together with Tarasova. We have already discussed it. We decided that we should combine efforts to win a medal in Vancouver. Of course, I’m scared. Getting there will be a hell of an effort. But I want to go through that again.”

Complete interview with Yagudin will appear in an upcoming edition .

Sergei ARKHIPOV, orthopedic surgeon, doctor, professor:

“The point of Yagudin’s surgery was to insert a metal implant with a rough surface into the hip bone. The second part of the construction has the same structure - it’s like a cup that the head of the hip goes into. When the bone cells regenerate, they grow into the rough surface. If one works the hip joint to much too early, there is a risk damaging the cell tissue, loosening the joint, and thus slowing down the rehabilitation process. As to the professional outlook, of course Yagudin will be able to skate. However, I’d refrain from prognosis regarding the jumps. You have to understand that the jumps force a lot more strain on the joint than it was ever designed for.”

Tatiana TARASOVA, Russian master coach:

“When Lesha called me to ask if I’d agree to continue working with him, I agreed without a second thought. Yagudin is not just an outstanding skater. He is a man who lives for competition; more importantly, he is the best competitor there is. In the few years Lesha has skated in shows, he has psychologically rested from big sport. I haven’t yet talked to Nikolai Morozov, but I have no doubt that he’ll want to work with Yagudin as well. Though, of course, Kolya will have a lot of work then – he is also training one of today’s best skaters Takeshi Honda. The most important thing now is health. If his leg will really stop bothering Lesha, I don’t doubt for a second that he will be successful.”

Valentin PISEEV, president of Russian Figure Skating Federation:

“If Yagudin is serious about resuming training and fighting for his place on the team, I can only be supportive. I haven’t discussed it with Alexei yet, but once he will officially announce his comeback, we will immediately go to ISU to have Yagudin’s eligibility reinstates to have him compete at the ISU events. I can also assure you that the federation will do everything to insure Yagudin has everything he needs for training.”

11th August 2007, 15:42
:D Vai..atunci sper sa revina Jenia :happy
Thanks Marce...tocmai l-am dezlipit ca nu stiam de vestile astea..dar poate ar trebui sa il relipesc :P
Ce bine ar fi sa revina..desi..daca nu revine pe podium..mi-ar parea asa rau..sa il vad mai jos de :no1 dar sa il vad pe 4:P

11th August 2007, 15:45
relipesti unde?:P cu placere ptr articol:)
anyway...inca nu imi revin...parca mi-a tras cineva o palma si nu imi revin :cry: http://yelims2.free.fr/Fete/Danseurs.gif
pai, sa faca bine plushy si sa revina, ca Yags sa il poata bate yet again :D

11th August 2007, 15:57
ca pe cele cu Brian,Steph:P Adica sa fie intre primele de pe pagina.
Dap sa faca bn sa revina Jenia..dar pacat ca nu zice ceva de CE,CM de anu viitor..doar de JO:(

11th August 2007, 16:38
OMG, OMG hai cu medalia pt yags :rolleyes:

11th August 2007, 17:39
:cheer: Yags:cheer: Yags:cheer:

11th August 2007, 17:56
pot sa merg eu sa ii dau medalia? pot...pot...pot? :P

11th August 2007, 18:02
Poti..da sa ma iei si pe mine :cry:

11th August 2007, 18:03
sure ;) :D

11th August 2007, 18:50
:rolleyes: I will give a medal to Lyosha!:cheer::cry:
Thanks :kiss:

12th August 2007, 01:35
wow, wow... mai usor, va rog! k nu ma tin nervii...:shocked: acu' be bune chiar se intoarce???? adik.....chiar????? nu pot sa cred!!!!! mai intai a zis k se intoarce, apoi k nu... acum iar se intoarce!!! sper sa nu se mai razgandeasca...:rolleyes:

12th August 2007, 02:04
mai eu nu stiu ce sa zic, pt ca data trecuta cand a circulat zvonul el a zis ca el nu a declarat asa ceva.
eu una nu cred.
dar vom trai si vom vedea.
just in case unde sunt the next jo????

12th August 2007, 12:20
la vancouver-daca la jocurile olimpice te referi, Irina :)
LE: dupa ce am citit nshpe variante ale interviului cu Yags, incep sa cred ca toata treaba asta e ca un montagne rousse: ba se intoarce, ba nu se intoarce.
ar fi un lucru extraordinar daca intr-adevar ar putea compete again, but we'll just have to wait and see :) enjoy the ride:P

12th August 2007, 15:51
Asa e Marce...dar eu as inclina spre a nu se intoarce..nush tare mi-e frica ca ar avea rezultate mai slabe si nu as vrea asta :P

12th August 2007, 21:34
ah.. cine ar vrea sa-l vada pe yags fara medalia de aur la gat??? :no: eu una nu.:P

12th August 2007, 21:38
:( nici eu...asa ca Yags if u read this..please don't come back..i wanna remember your 2002 :P
But if you really belive in your powers ..than GOD bless u and give u power to come back like :no1

14th August 2007, 11:31
Alexei Yagudin:

SLC Olympic champion Alexei Yagudin had a hip replacement surgery on July 5th in New York. We weren’t able to locate the skater over the phone then. Only a month later, Yagudin agreed to an interview, apologizing for such a long silence.

- Why did you surround your surgery by such secrecy?

- I didn’t want to attract attention too early. Why? For people to feel sorry for me? I didn’t need that. It was more important to figure out how successful the recovery would be even though it’s too early to talk about it now.

Nobody really knew how serious the injury that tortured me for so many years was and what I feel when I go on ice. I was diagnosed in the summer of 2002. I finished skating in Collins tour two weeks earlier than planned and my agent and I went to have an exam.

In the clinic, I was given a hydrocortisone injection (a strong hormonal medicine that reduces inflammation). The pain really got significantly less and I started to train again. In a month and a half, the leg started to hurt badly again. It hurt so much that at the end of October, I was only able to skate a short program at Skate America in Spokane and had to withdrew.

For the several next years, I got used to the constant pain and being uncomfortable. I got used to sitting the way so my hip would be protected from extra pressure. I was in shock since I never encountered such a strong and constant pain. We went to the clinic again but didn’t find out anything new.

The reason from the problem was that since I was born, the join didn’t completely cover the top of the hip, and that was on both legs. So, the bones friction was too strong and they started to lose their correct shape. I had hydrocortisone injection again but I was warned that it might not have the same effect as it did the first time. The body gets used to the treatment too fast. That’s exactly what happened. That’s why I was crying at the press-conference where I had to announce the withdrawal from the competition. I was told that I will have to forget about skating with an injury like that. What could be done is that I could skate through the pain, not compete, but skate as a professional, where the injured foot can have the least amount of pressure.

To be honest, I didn’t believe it to the end. I even thought about returning to New York and having another medical exam, that the doctors would be definitely more experienced there, and they would tell me something more promising. But it was different – my diagnoses was confirmed once again.

The doctors offered to go through one more round of therapy in Toronto. I started flying there once a week between the performances. The injections were done with the huge needle. Special tissue cells were injected right into the joint and it was supposed to push the cartilage growth between the bones. That didn’t help too. I turned everywhere I could, even to the holistic experts. I know a lot of people and everyone was telling me to try something new. I had massages but they didn’t make it easier. I performed at the several events in this conditions, I was taking the medications to ease up the pain a little, I was still doing some jumps, but in the summer I still had to have a surgery to clean the joint.

- Were you told then the joint needs to be replaced sooner or later?

- Yes, on both right and left legs. It’s just that the right foot gets a lot more pressure on ice and that’s why it was in a worse condition.

We decided to spill a little blood the first time. I had an arthroscopic surgery and it brought a lot of relief since all the unneeded stuff from the join was removed through the special incisions and the inflammation was gone. The bliss lasted for about a month and a half. When I started training again, the leg started to hurt even more than before. I finally realized we can’t even speak about continuing in sport.

Skating in shows wasn’t easy. I had a contract with Stars on Ice and had to go on ice six or seven times in one evening, so I had to take some unbelievable amounts of painkillers so I could hold on to the rest of the tour. By the end of the show, I was only able to move on the scooter. Someone even put a handicapped sticker on it when I didn’t see. I often thought that I was lucky – the foot started to hurt two years before SLC, and if it would’ve gotten inflamed six months earlier, it’s possible I would’ve not made it to the Games. This way, I managed to win them, so when I officially announced my retirement from the competition at Skate Canada a year later, I was almost sincere in saying that I was very glad I did everything I could in skating.

That wasn’t a complete truth. To the last, I kept believing that I’ll be able to skate seriously again.

- What made you go to the clinic this summer?

- I would’ve gone there sooner or later. I haven’t seen a doctor since the first surgery, but this year I decided it was time. I saw my X-rays. You don’t have to be an experts to see that the joint is completely crushed. It also had a lot of swelling and inflammation around it So, on April 5th, I flew to the clinic since I was warned that preliminary exam, including all the tests, can take several weeks. The surgery was scheduled for July 5th. Before that, we discussed with the surgeon in detail, which join we’ll put on. There are many options now – ceramic, plastic, metal, depending on how a person is planning to use his hip in the future. I picked titanium since I was told that this metal is able to grow together with the human bone the best.

When I saw X-rays two weeks after the surgery, the first thought in my mind was that I’m like Terminator now, with the titanium hip. It looks scary on the picture – a metal stick, titanium top of the bone, and the joint mechanism is from the titanium too.

- Do you really want to try and return to the sport?

- Yes. That’s why I didn’t want to put off the surgery for alter. On one hand, I would have to get that joint replaced anyway. On the other hand. Since spring, I keep thinking I could’ve kept competing.

- Is that why you called Tatiana Tarasova before going to the clinic?

- Who else I could’ve called? Somehow I believed Tatiana will understand and support me. And that’s how it was. True, I’m 27, it’s unlikely that I’ll be able to start training seriously until one year passes by, so I’ll be 28, and figure skating went forward to some degree. On the other hand, even with the injured foot, I was doing all the triples this spring except the loop, I did triple-triple, and even a triple axel sometimes. I tried the footwork and spins considering the new requirements. For the last two years, I competed in Japan at the event where you have to do the free program. All of it was without attending practices. I realized that I’m skating on the adrenalin only. At practice, I would’ve not done even a small part of what I was doing in the show. It was hurting too much.

- We met several times in the last four years and it seemed to me you got used to the thought that your competitive career is finally done and there is no going back. What got changed?

- I don’t know. I’m bored without the sport. I miss adrenalin and the competition. Maybe I’m making a big mistake trying to come back, but this attempt doesn’t make me responsible for anything at large. I can always say stop if something doesn’t work out.

- Were you afraid to go for a second surgery?

- My family was very surprised at how calm I was. Somehow I was confident that the surgery will go well. I came to the hospital at around 6 in the morning, we talked some more details with the surgeon, then I was give the IV and was taken to the surgery room. It was the same doctor who did my first surgery, Professor Westridge. I remember I wanted to ask him something else but I got anesthesia and I was out of it.

I walk up in the rehab room. I didn’t feel anything below my waist since I also had something similar to epidural anesthesia that women get when they are in labor. My head was floating but I remember how doctor came and gave me the phone, I talked to my friend and asked him to call my mom and say that the surgery went well, and before I fell asleep again, I sad a completely insane thing to a doctor, «I hope you didn’t throw out my old hip. I would’ve liked to keep it». He promised to do that.

By the evening, I was transferred to a regular room, very comfortable, with the Hudson view. I had surgery on Thursday, and my friends picked me up on Sunday and took me home.

- Were you able to move on your own then?

- Supposedly, I was going to be on my feet at the end of the first day, but I was coming out of anesthesia for too long, and they decided to try next day. Nothing good came out of it. The best I could do was sit on the bed, try to get up and fall back. I got really scared. Only then I realized how serious the surgery was and how stupid I have to be to even think about returning on ice.

Sleeping was terribly uncomfortable. Tubes, catheters, and IV were sticking out of me in every direction. I was forbidden from turning, sleeping on the side, or crossing my legs. I could only lay on my back and my legs were fixed under the 90 degrees angle or the hip bone could’ve just snapped out of joint. By the way, the clinic sent me a huge book before the surgery and it had detailed recommendations for any situation on when and how I can move. It’s done so a person would know in advance what he’ll encounter, that he’ll be ready for it and would do everything possible for the fast and possibly painless rehab period after the surgery.

I got up at the day three. I took two steps forward holding on to a special walker, and two steps back. At night, I tried walking around the room with crutches, but the right foot wasn’t walking, it was dragging. I moved it with my hand. The night before, the leg hurt so much, I couldn’t sleep. I took the phone and started sending text messages to everyone so I could be busy with something. I only fell asleep in the morning.

By the end of the day four, I was walking with the cane pretty well. I washed on my own and even passed an exam for the doctors, walking up and down the stairs. Without that, I would’ve not been allowed to go home.

- I thought you were on the bed rest for the first two weeks.

- I got so scared that the join can «fall out», I was moving very carefully. I calmed down a little in two weeks when I came to the clinic for a check up. The doctor confirmed it’s going well, said he was very happy with the surgery, he took out the metal staples that were holding the cut together and put the bandage. I was very surprised that the cut was so small and neat, and Westridge told me, «How many years have you skated before winning the Olympics? Twenty? I’ve been a surgeon for twenty years and do my job as good as you did yours when you were in SLC»

The doctor warned me that the patients aren’t recommended to fly after surgeries like that since there is a great possibility of clotting because of the pressure changes. I persuaded him that I’ll feel better in Russia and I flew to St. Petersburg.

- What are you plans now?

- I’m working on my foot a little. Before going to Russia, I met with Nikolai Morozov in America. In May, we talked about working together, and he said then he is ready to coach me. We also discussed a lot of things that have to do with the possible comeback. It’s not up to me only. I have to get the ISU permit, I have to know how the leg will hold up to really high pressure. I’m very inspired by Rudi Galindo who had the same surgery on both legs, skated in Collins tour in six months, and jumping all the way now. If he could do it, why couldn’t I? I’m Russian!

- I’m not very clear on who’ll train you, Tarasova or Morozov.

- Both, like before the SLC. Kolia is a great coach, and he knows all the new requirements wonderfully. He and Tarasova complete each other, so I hope for their help and support. After the Games, we all went through an uneasy period, but we decided with a medal in Vancouver being a goal, it makes sense to get together one more time for and try to reach this goal.

A fitness coach works with Morozov’s group in America now. He coached the top field and track athletes in Russian National team for many years. He had a similar injury at onetime so he made a large list of exercises for me to make the muscles stronger without touching the hip joint. I do it every day and stretch a little.

Because of the constant pains, the right foot movement radius is a lot smaller now, so I have to recover the movement there too. I tried jogging. I was careful at first, and now I run several kilometers a day. I feel a little uncomfortable, but I think it’s not because of the surgery. I didn’t train for the last couple of years and the muscles are not used to pressure anymore. I hope to be back on ice at the end of August. Maybe I’ll be in the «Ice Age» TV show at Channel One, but it’s not finalized yet.

As for the future, I can’t look into it now. I wanted do put together a free program this fall and start skating it, so I could include jumps into it after the New Year, and jumps have to go toward the end of the program. If it all goes well, maybe I’ll be able to skate this program in the late April at the event in Japan. Then I’ll rest a little and really get into work. I don’t think I’ll have a problem with jumps, it’ll be with everything else. We never really looked after the spins and footwork. In any case, I want to try and prepare so the next season, I wouldn’t be embarrassed to compete at the events up to the 2009 Worlds. I want to make the team and see what I’m good for overall.

- Are you afraid that Russia might have only one spot at that event?

- If Zhenya Plushenko competes at the next Worlds, he’ll definitely get at least two spots. From that point on, I’ll try not to fall face down. When we talked with Morozov about it he said if I start thinking whether there’ll be a spot for me, I shouldn’t even start talking about the comeback.

Of course, I’m scared because I’ll have to go through a hell of a work, but I want to do it again. Elvis Stojko wasn’t young at SLC, but it didn’t stop him from doing two quads in the free program.

My situation is more convenient. I already have the Olympic gold. If I’m able to comeback and perform at the level of being competitive for the top three in Vancouver, it’ll be a huge victory. I’m not saying I’m going for the victory only. I’m interesting in training and competing again. I miss the real competition very much.

- Are you under the contract for the next season?

- Not at the moment, even though I have enough offers both in America and Russia. My agents said, «Lesha, you are like a good wine. You get more expensive every year». I realized if my sports plans go the way I want to, I’ll have to forget about serious contracts for the time being.

- What about your real estate business in the US and the transportation company in St. Petersburg?

- It’s been going well in both places. There are trusted people who watch it. I’m not going to go to America soon. My most important business is skating. Very soon, in the early fall, my autobiography will be published in Russia.

- Am I right to thing that it’s the book that was published in Japan three years ago?

- Not completely. That book was very sincere and I liked it. It’s about my whole life from the moment I put the skates on. We worked on the text for several months, but we deiced to add to it and include new chapters for Russian edition. I think it’ll be interesting.

As for practicing, if I feel I can skate OK by the fall, I’ll wait when Morozov will have a break since he coaches a large group of skaters now. Then Tatiana, him and me can start working on the problem. I listened to a lot of music already, including the music that wasn’t used in skating before. I have something to choose from. I have no other plans that demand me being in the USA. I need to recover now without forcing the process, and then whatever happens, happens.

- Wasn’t there anyone who tried to talk you out of comeback idea?

- No. My family saw how much I suffer from the pain and from doing nothing, so they support me now even though they probably don’t believe that my plan is realistic. My life is normal again, and that’s more important for them.


14th August 2007, 12:59

Yesterday, the champion of the Salt Lake City Olympics of 2002 told the “SE” correspondent of his decision to return to eligible competition.


Back then, we failed to track down Yagudin himself. The only thing I managed to get out of Tarasova is that the doctors insist the athlete be monitored constantly for two weeks to make sure the first rehabilitation period passes without complications. Tarasova therefore asked Alexei to take it easy in his leg, and to wait at least a month.

Yagudin himself called me. He confirmed that the surgery went well. He then shocked me with the following, “You know, I’ll call you later in the day. I want to hit the gym before the interview. I want to exercise, may be run for an hour or so.”

At the appointed time, the phone rang again.

“I am sorry I wasn’t returning your calls for awhile”, started Yagudin somewhat guiltily. “I was afraid of saying anything too early. I wanted to first understand if my scheme of returning to the eligible ice is at all realistic.”

“So, you did make that decision.”

“Yup. That’s why I flew to America for the tests. I would need to go to the hospital sooner or later anyway. I saw the X-rays of the hip joint. One didn’t need much medical knowledge to see that the joint was completely ruined. In addition, there were inflammation and swelling around it.

I flew in a few weeks before surgery, since the preliminary tests had to take a long time.”

“What exactly did the surgery do?”

“When I saw the X-rays two weeks after the surgery, the first thing I thought of was that I was now like the Terminator. I have a titanium hip. It looks menacing on the X-ray – a metal pin with a titanium head, and the joint mechanism itself is also made of titanium. I chose this metal myself. I was told, it acts very organically in the human body. It’s like it becomes a part of it.”

“Are you sure you’ll be able to train like before?”

“I want this badly. I understand well that I am now 27, and that I will be 29 by the Vancouver Games, that figure skating does not stay in place, and that the nervous system can’t handle the load as well; however, if I did the jumps cleanly before competition, and even did a triple axel at time, surely it won’t now be worse.

It will all depend on how the rehabilitation goes. I’m inspired by the example of Rudy Galindo, who replaced both of his hip joints in under two weeks, and skated in the Collins Tour six months later. If I medal at the 2010 Games in Vancouver, I’ll consider it a great accomplishment.”

“What if there is simply not enough place for you on the Olympic team? After all, there is no guarantee that Russia will be able to send two athletes to the Games.”

“You know, I once told Nikolai Morozov, who has already agreed to work with me permanently, that it will be good if Zhenya Plushenko returns to the sport by the next World championships. This way, Russia would have at least two places in the pre-Olympic season. He replied – if you already think you may not have a place on the team, then don’t even start.”

“So, Morozov will train you?”

“Together with Tarasova. We have already discussed it. We decided that we should combine efforts to win a medal in Vancouver. Of course, I’m scared. Getting there will be a hell of an effort. But I want to go through that again.”

Complete interview with Yagudin will appear in an upcoming edition .

Sergei ARKHIPOV, orthopedic surgeon, doctor, professor:

“The point of Yagudin’s surgery was to insert a metal implant with a rough surface into the hip bone. The second part of the construction has the same structure - it’s like a cup that the head of the hip goes into. When the bone cells regenerate, they grow into the rough surface. If one works the hip joint to much too early, there is a risk damaging the cell tissue, loosening the joint, and thus slowing down the rehabilitation process. As to the professional outlook, of course Yagudin will be able to skate. However, I’d refrain from prognosis regarding the jumps. You have to understand that the jumps force a lot more strain on the joint than it was ever designed for.”

Tatiana TARASOVA, Russian master coach:

“When Lesha called me to ask if I’d agree to continue working with him, I agreed without a second thought. Yagudin is not just an outstanding skater. He is a man who lives for competition; more importantly, he is the best competitor there is. In the few years Lesha has skated in shows, he has psychologically rested from big sport. I haven’t yet talked to Nikolai Morozov, but I have no doubt that he’ll want to work with Yagudin as well. Though, of course, Kolya will have a lot of work then – he is also training one of today’s best skaters Takeshi Honda. The most important thing now is health. If his leg will really stop bothering Lesha, I don’t doubt for a second that he will be successful.”

Valentin PISEEV, president of Russian Figure Skating Federation:

“If Yagudin is serious about resuming training and fighting for his place on the team, I can only be supportive. I haven’t discussed it with Alexei yet, but once he will officially announce his comeback, we will immediately go to ISU to have Yagudin’s eligibility reinstates to have him compete at the ISU events. I can also assure you that the federation will do everything to insure Yagudin has everything he needs for training.”


14th August 2007, 18:52
Multumesc Marce si Iulya! :kiss: E bine..sa dea Domnul sa revina cu succese!:ok:

15th August 2007, 20:41
Originally Posted by amber68
Plush and Yags are really suited for each other (it’s a pity they can’t do pairs).

Imagine that - the 2010 Olympics - the leaders after the Pairs Short program are Yagudin and Pluschenko who are planning SBS triple axels with two throw quads in the free up against the more artistic pairing of Galindo and Weir who will attempt a throw triple axel and throw quad!!!! How will it pan out? !

:happy Unii pot sa glumeasca..am gasit asta here http://www.goldenskate.com/forum/showthread.php?t=17272&page=11

15th August 2007, 21:35
stii, singurul lucru care imi vine in minte, cand citesc ce-au scris astia,e filmul Blades of Glory :cry:
serios acum, nu as vrea sa-i vad pe cei 2 patinand as a pair...ar fi prea...:groggy:

15th August 2007, 22:05
Pai cred ca de acolo s-au inspirat :happy

15th August 2007, 22:06
doamne fereste, nici n-as sti ce sa fac mai intai, sa rad sau sa plang :P

15th August 2007, 22:08
eu cred ca as face ochi maaaari si as ramane blocata :P

15th August 2007, 23:47
pereche plush si yags??? :happy :ras-plans: ei nu se suporta nici macar pe acelasi patinoar,la capete opuse.... iar dak ar face pereche......nu crek s-ar intelege tocmai bine:happy....blades of glory....:happy

16th August 2007, 02:23
eu cred ca plushy si yags ar putea face doar " blades- touch me and you're dead " , ca altceva impreuna nu prea vad!!!!

16th August 2007, 09:45
uite si dovada,cat de "aproape" stau unul de celalalt:P

16th August 2007, 19:57
De fapt in prima doar ce jucasera hora..si s-au despartit pentru poza :D

16th August 2007, 23:02
un interviu luat de Kathleen Bangs, proaspat-proaspat ;) (e lung,stiu,dar merita citit :D)

Alexei Yagudin Turns Titanium:
Chronicles of a Hip Replacement

Attached Image
Alexei Yagudin, 2007

By Kathleen Bangs

There was no entourage.

With considerably less fanfare than one would expect for a history-making Olympic and four-time World champion, Alexei Yagudin groggily checks into a New York City hospital during the early morning of July 5. Having already spent the bulk of his 27-year-lifetime accumulating medals of bronze, silver and an overwhelmingly enormous collection of gold, perhaps it only made sense for the young Russian to now add titanium to his collection of rare metals, in the form a full right hip replacement.

It’s dawn, and the summer sun is just rising through the shadowy urban pillars of the Manhattan landscape. Settled into the pre-operative room, mild anesthesia already runs through his veins; he’s first up on the unit’s surgical schedule for the day. When he competed on the world figure skating stage, the champion lamented often having to skate first after the draw.

But on this day, Yagudin is eager to have the procedure over and done. “The only thing that bothered me was all of these people that kept coming in with forms, and it seemed like they were asking me over and over the same questions: spell your name, date of birth," he says. "I was tired of looking at all the papers, and it was really cold.”

Relief from the waiting came in the arrival of his renowned orthopedic surgeon. This was not their first trip under the knife together. In May of 2003, the same physician performed a much less complicated laparoscopy on Yagudin’s then ailing hip, to clear out pieces of shattered bone debris. “The doctor started talking to me about the procedure, and what he was going to do," Yagudin says. "I asked him about Rudy Galindo, because it was interesting to me that it was the same surgery and type of hip replacement as Rudy’s. The anesthesiologist said something and made me sleepy. I was going to ask more questions, but then I fell asleep.”

For many patients undergoing major surgery, the first day and night is spent in the recovery room, and then once stabilized, moved to their assigned hospital room, where they often suffer the after-effects from the anesthesia, alternating between an uncomfortable semi-conscious twilight state and retching fits of nausea.

Now afternoon, Yagudin was coming out of surgery and is quickly responsive. “At first I thought, 'Yea! I’m alive!’ but at the same time I couldn’t feel my legs," the 2002 Olympic champion says. "I didn’t really worry because I remembered from my first surgery that the lower half of your body could go numb from the spinal block.” Another hour passes, and the buoyant mood sinks to “the worst headache of my life.”

For years an activity even as mundane as a stroll down the street could often bring the champion nagging pain. The dull ache would ebb and flow; never a constant companion, but still an unwelcome visitor that could unfortunately always be counted upon to return.

Yet, on the really good days, like at an afternoon on-ice practice session last March, Yagudin practiced jumps for 20 minutes and then landed an impressive triple Axel, one of the sport’s most difficult maneuvers, and a jump even the master hadn’t attempted in years. Off the ice one hour and a few back-slaps later, the jubilation of the moment retreated, and Yagudin was left with the same old dichotomy of frustration as an otherwise healthy athlete who could still perform at the top of his world class talent, if only his joint would cooperate. In the days that followed he began to plan for the future. First, a hip replacement, and beyond that, if he dared to dream, maybe more.

The next morning, the first day after surgery, Yagudin is woozy. "I was so dizzy," he says, "I couldn’t even get out of bed. I tried to swing my legs over the edge of the bed and down to the floor to stand up, but it felt like I was going to pass out, so I had to lie down again. They told me I’d be able to take some steps, but I know don’t when if it’s going to happen.”

Later, with the aid of a walker, he takes a few tentative steps with the encouragement of the hospital staff. It’s not much, and although they reassure him everything is normal, Yagudin is disappointed to feel so ill at ease in his own body. As the day goes on, and the painkillers kick in, his mood lifts and he goofs around with the only thing within reach, the get-well flowers. He jokingly rearranges them, and styles a single, sad stem so that it lilts upright in a bedside plastic fluid collector.

By late afternoon, things improve dramatically and he’s feeling very comfortable, he says, “like in a sort of floating dream place.” In a nod to his new internal titanium hardware, Yagudin jokes that people can now call him, “The Terminator,” and on cue adds Arnold Schwarzenegger’s classic movie line, “I’ll be back!”

As Saturday night progresses, things fall apart and even more extreme pain returns to torture Yagudin who is a prisoner now to both the discomfort and his bed. “It was the worst so far," he says. "I wanted to ask for more medication because I didn’t think the pills were working. I couldn’t take it anymore and they gave me a shot in the arm, but I don’t think it helped. Finally the time came to take my pills again; I couldn’t believe how strong the pain was. I wanted to bite on something to keep from yelling.”

When Sunday morning arrives, Yagudin is wide awake, and in a very good mood, having finally been able to sleep a few hours after the intense pain of the night before. Tennis is the order of the day, Wimbledon the event, and he’s eager to follow the action on the grass. He will root for Roger Federer, the tennis legend Yagudin admires and identifies with for his ability to reign at the top for so long. The marathon game begins to turn in favor of the scrappy Spaniard Rafael Nadal, and it appears Federer might finally lose his crown to the young challenger.

Yagudin’s faith never wavers. Rather than identify with an underdog, the skater who closed out the 6.0 system with the most ever perfect scores by a man in Olympic skating, almost always supports those athletes who have demonstrated, above all, longevity — the Andre Agassis and Michael Schumachers of the world.

In the end Federer is victorious, and Yagudin is pleased and rested. He decides to try getting out of his hospital bed, and take a few steps unassisted around his room. He makes it as far as the bathroom, which for now is no small victory. Sporting a dark tan and sun-bleached hair, he looks out of place, more like a guest at a beach resort, but the pale blue generic gown brings back the reality that he is instead a patient in a hospital.

Yagudin decides it’s time to measure his incision. Now that the bandages have been peeled off he is excited to get a close look at the scar. The zipper-like incision resembles a steel track across the flesh of where the deteriorated hip bone once resided. “I thought it was about as long as a can of Coke, because that’s what I first had to measure it with," he says. "But then I put it against my cell phone, and they were the same length, not including the antenna.”

Yagudin’s nature is to always reach for something just beyond his grasp. One manifestation is the way his schedule gets even more demanding with each passing year. While interest in the sport is on a downswing in the United States, figure skating has experienced a renaissance in longtime powerhouse Russia and emerging dominator Japan. The uptick is due in part to a near Russian sweep of medals at the 2006 Olympic Winter Games in Torino, with the lone missing Soviet gold going to Japan’s newly iconic ladies champion Shizuka Arakawa.

Yagudin headlines the new tours that traverse Russia and parts of Europe, while enjoying star status in Japan, and is always an in-demand performer with America’s leading tour Stars on Ice. TV star was added to his repertoire with the number one ratings explosion last year of the Ilia Auverbukh produced skating with celebrities program now called “Ice Age.”

If his hip is ready for the new load, Yagudin will shortly begin on-ice training with an as yet unnamed partner for the new season’s debut. If not, he could host. The release of his revised autobiography, written in Russian and updated to include the years as a pro skater since Salt Lake City, is also scheduled for launch in the coming months.

Of course, the big question of a return to competition ice is what occupies his mind. Both he and rival Olympic champion Evgeni Plushenko are keenly aware of the bragging rights that would accompany a second gold medal at the 2010 Olympic Winter Games in Vancouver. Much as either would love to claim it, each would equally despair to see it go to the other. The business of figure skating would rejoice at a rematch of the two titans once again on Vancouver ice. Separately both wonder: “What if?”

Sunday evening Yagudin was given the okay to leave the hospital and spend the next 10 days in Connecticut, recuperating and working on specific rehabilitative exercises directed to him by the medical staff. “I remember walking with the cane in the hospital that day – by the reception desk — with my nurse. I was leaning on the cane, and then I took it with both hands and pretended to swing it like a golf club," he recalls. " He yelled, 'Nooo!' and I laughed, 'Don’t worry, I can do it — I’m Russian!'"

The two-hour ride home was not without challenge. “I was not able to actually sit properly in the car, so my friend put the seat back so I could lie down," Yagudin says. "It was really important that at no time my right leg, with the new hip, be allowed to cross over in front of me. It had to stay stabilized with pillows and sort of locked into place or I risked dislocating the joint. I was a little nervous, but ready to get out of the hospital.

“Besides,” he adds laughing, "my roommate really snored loudly, it was hard to get any sleep.”

The next day Yagudin is surprisingly down. “Last night was even worse. The pain was so bad, even with the medication, so many times I had no idea if I was awake or dreaming or where I was. I really wondered if I had made a mistake," he says. "What if this was how it was going to be, what if the surgery only made things worse? Forget skating, what if I couldn’t walk? I feel better now and have taken a few steps with the cane. It feels so funny, because I’m not sure what normal is supposed to feel like now.”

A day later the sun is shining, and with 12 hours of long overdue sleep under his belt, Yagudin is restored and ventures outdoors to enjoy nature from the soothing vantage of a backyard hammock. By the next afternoon, he is catching rays on the deck, relaxing to tunes on his iPod. The worst is behind him, and finally he’s able to take steps on his own. Now he uses the metal cane as a device to help extend his foot, stretch his leg, and work on his flexibility.

He jokes about a new fondness for the cane. “I can lie down and still pick things up with it. Turn off the light, move blankets, pick up a magazine. I might keep this thing around,” he says jokingly.

His mood is good, and he’s beginning to see a glimmer of light from the end of the recovery tunnel, while acknowledging that if his hip will ever allow him to get back to doing the big jumps remains, for now, an unknown. Nevertheless, Yagudin is prepared for this battle. Arguably in the best shape of his career, down to his 2002 Olympics fighting weight, he’s also religiously embraced a healthier lifestyle. Most importantly, the competitive torch within has again been lit. He is looking for a fight, mostly against the limitations that have been imposed upon him.

Ten days after the operation, he’s in New Jersey, staying with choreographer and coach Nikolai Morozov. It is late, but Yagudin is excited. Searching for new music to inspire a masterpiece program, he wonders if lightning may have struck twice with a piece Tatiana Tarasova had selected but never used years earlier.

It’s an intricate melody that in the past had proven impossible to cut into the brilliant free skate program she imagined it could be. With modern equipment, Morozov spent two months cutting and tweaking the music, and Yagudin is impressed by the results.

It was Morozov’s earlier collaboration with the legendary Tarasova that spawned one of the world’s most highly regarded men's short program, “Winter”, designed for Yagudin in 2001. After the trio’s triumph at the 2002 Olympics, Morozov catapulted to fame, and soon after split to go it alone. Relations chilled, and the friendship with Yagudin cooled, until an unplanned reunion at a televised Tarasova birthday tribute held in Moscow last February.

Now Morozov and Yagudin are not only again close friends, they have become allies in an effort to potentially rebuild Yagudin into a code-of-points-friendly skater. “The requirements for steps won’t bother me, but the new system is tough on spins," Yagudin says. "When I competed you didn’t have to work as hard on spins because even an ugly one or a missed rotation could be overlooked. I wouldn’t care, and neither would the judges.

“Now I would have to really think when I do the spins, to make sure they are good quality with change of edge and this and that. In the past if I got tired during a program, I might change the spins, but that is not going to work under this system. Now you have to skate with a plan, and then you have to follow it.”

Part of Yagudin’s eligible skating legacy was his jaw-dropping jumps. At ease in the upper atmosphere of demanding triple Axels and quadruple rotations, his consistency rarely failed him, and even when the jumps were off, he could usually muscle around a saved landing where less determined athletes might stumble and fall.

“I’m a little concerned, but I’m also sure I’m going to remember all the jumps I’ve done since I was a kid. The quad will be the toughest to get back because it’s also the jump learned last," he admits. "I think I can count on muscle memory to help me. I’m actually more worried about physical conditioning, that’s my number one concern, even more than the hip.

"If I decide to try and compete under the new judging system, I’ll have to train so that I’m not out of breath at the end of a free skate.”

Part of that free skate conditioning may begin as early as November, when Yagudin has tentatively penciled in a week-long session with Morozov to create a demanding free program that will include point-boosting jumps after the two-minute mark. Even though Yagudin might use the program this year as a show number, his strategy is to load it with enough difficulty that next season he could easily segue it into a truly competitive free skate.

Almost two weeks after the hip replacement, Yagudin is still in New Jersey, on the eve of his return to Russia. Now that the initial post-operation roller coaster has begun to slow down, he is contemplative about life, and skating. “Overall I’m happy to have the surgery done," he concludes. "I’ll be really happy when I can skate and move without pain. The pain was not the reason I did this, I want to come back and compete. Even if I never do, I want to be able to at least have a realistic chance of trying.”

Yagudin has often wrestled with motivation. Not that he ever lacks it, but rather trying to determine where it comes from. The past few years of a lucrative pro career has brought millions, both on the ice and in the real estate market. “Even during this rehabilitation I have been working on buying and selling properties," he says. "Problems develop, things happen and I’m on the phone with real estate agents. I like to read about what to do with money and how to invest it.”

The man who spent his childhood sharing a rented communal apartment, the only son of a single mom, turns slightly wistful when the topic turns to indulging himself. “It’s funny — no luxuries. I don’t even ship my Mercedes to Russia. I don’t care about clothes, and don’t wear an expensive watch," he says. "I know it’s a little strange, but somehow when you’re no longer trying to save every single penny, you wonder, maybe I’ll buy a Ferrari? Then you think, no, that would be stupid for right now, but the little voice says, ‘When is the right time? Does it ever come?’"

It’s Thursday, July 19. Yagudin is on full radio silence, and he hopes to maintain the blackout through the crucial next few weeks of recovery. So far, news of his surgery has managed to stay under the media radar. He arrives at JFK airport, to catch a flight for Moscow via Paris.

Hours earlier, the menacing looking metal staples were removed from the incision over his healing hip and he’s in high spirits, optimistic the surgery has been a success. “When I met with the doctor today, I signed the papers to get my old hip back," Yagudin says. "He said they usually keep them anyway, but it will be cut into sections so the bone can be analyzed, and then they will send it to me.”

As he takes a seat on the jet that will fly him home, and to a still yet-to-be completely defined figure skating future, Yagudin looks at his surgery keepsake — an X-ray of the new titanium implant. It is startlingly larger in size and buried deeper into the femur bone than one would imagine. “Terminator” indeed.

Yagudin’s career has always been a wild ride, and he’s never been a predictable person, except perhaps on competition ice. In that domain, he could usually be predicted to win. The only safe prediction for right now is that there are sure to be even more corkscrew turns up ahead.

16th August 2007, 23:40
f interesant marce. mersi.
eu il inteleg si sper sa ii fie bine. in special sa nu mai aiba dureri. dar nu cred ca e realist sa ne imaginam ca va putea reveni. nu pt ca ar fi complet imposibil, dar pt ca yagudin back nu ar trebui sa fie doar asa de chestie, ci ca un adevarat competitor. nu cred ca vrea cineva sa-l vada chinuindu-se in fata mai tinerilor adversari.

16th August 2007, 23:45
i totally agree...eu prefer sa il tin minte ptr olimpiada din 2002.
desi chiar m-as bucura sa il vad pe gheata, patinand :)

va vedea si el cum va decurge perioada de recuperare.
sper doar sa ia decizia corecta ptr el,si mai ales pentru sanatatea lui. insa, daca se decide sa se intoarca, well, nu-mi ramane decat sa il sustin :)

16th August 2007, 23:57
plus ca in 2002 nu a fost doar oly , ci toate celelalte titluri. just great!!!

oricum eu sper sa il vad vreodata patinand la o gala. pe el si pe ila. my dream!!!!

16th August 2007, 23:58
stai asa, uite mai bine sa vezi pe : Alexei, Ilia, Brian, Kevin, Jamal, Johnny, Tomas (sper ca nu am uitat pe careva:P)...aaa...Karel, Kris ...
tooooti intr-o gala, doing an act together...*dreaming*

17th August 2007, 00:05
aoleu marce, nu cred ca as rezista!!! my pour heart!!! deja salivez cand ma gandesc la mondiale. dar ce-i drept o gala cu toti ar fi genial. nici macar nu trebuie sa fie in acelasi program si programe separate e bine. mai ales ca intr-o gala nu e presiune si pot sa dea ce-i mai bun din ei.

17th August 2007, 17:28
:rolleyes: Ce vise frumoase :)

18th August 2007, 14:43
<<Ilya Averbukh: Not so simple to enter into this river twice

Alexander Liubimov - SITI- FM
Hour of attorney with Pavel Astakhov

17:21 on August 13, 2007

On SITI-FM, the champion of world and Europe and a prize-winner of the Olympic Games of figure skating, Ilya Averbukh, commented on the statements of Russian figure skater-professionals about the return to amateur sport.

The Federation of Figure Skating of Russia awaits the return to amateur sport - Aleksey Yagudin.

As stated the President of the Federation - Valentin Piseev- if the figure skater signs this solution, thus he is required a simple formality - to write an official statement.

Immediately after this, the Federation will turn to the International Union of Skaters with the request about the return to Aleksey to the status of amateur. If the answer will be positive, then Aleksey Yagudin again will be able to appear in the competitions.

Famous Russian figure skater Aleksey Yagudin repeatedly declared about the intention to return to the amateur sport, expecting to come out for winter games - 2010 in Vancouver.

At the beginning of July in the USA to Yagudin had an operation on the hip, and he already begins to be trained. According to the athlete himself, he intends to try for the entry to the Olympiad of 2010 and he will consider any medal “high achievement."

The main reach of Aleksey Yagudin's career became the gold medal of the Olympiad of 2002 in Salt Lake City. For the last time he left amateur status in 2003 at Skate Canada (I think he means Alexei's farewell at Skate Canada 2002, but it was the 2002/2003 season).

About the renewal of sport career stated the rival of Yagudin - Evgeny Plyushchenko. Recently he had an operation on the meniscus, and once this season plans to participate in one of the stages of the Cup of Russia.

Now on the line, the champion of the world and Europe and a prize-winner of the Olympic Games of figure skating, Ilya Averbukh.

How you will explain this mass desire in rivals to return to the amateur sport?

First of all, of course, both are great figure skaters, who undoubtedly are bored without that adrenaline, without that fight, which was in the amateur sport you discuss. This history is absolutely intelligible, and the desire to again verify themselves, because nevertheless that adrenaline which the athletes experience precisely in the competitions, in the Olympic Games, in the daily life neither of them find and apparently do not succeed. Specifically with this the desire to show themselves is connected. And it is certainly a fact that the rivals in the past championship of the world did not show anything surpassing. Honestly speaking, it is possible to say from that moment, if we take generally the Olympiad in which won Evgeny Plyushchenko, the collection of jumps with which he conquered was weaker than that of 4 years ago, when he battled in the duel of Salt Lake City with Aleksey Yagudin. Therefore, this specific stagnation in men's single skating is observed. With this is connected the desire, and that the rivals add nothing new, so they naturally understand that both again can rise to the Olympic pedestal. But, I think that here everything is sufficiently deceptive, not so simple to enter into this river twice. There are the living examples who attempted to return: returned Victor Petrenko - Olympic champion, Brian Boitano - Olympic champion, and Brian Orser. Actually, many attempted to do this, not just our children. In whom came out, the best result was the fourth place of Victor Petrenko, well and on the strength of the fact that he later than all completed his career.

Your human reaction to this information?

Purely human reaction is unconditionally positive, because figure skating is first of all a sport, and now this small thing, connected with the fact that now somewhat more show it became than quite figure skating. Despite the fact that I exactly am the chief representative of this show in figure skating, I nevertheless fight so that in figure skating there would be sport as much as possible. We greatly hope for our children. But, I think that such frequent statements about the return are thus far not reinforced by this work and present matter. I, honestly speaking, if I would be in their place, first I would come out, and then I would say at least after one amateur competition that I feel in myself force to return also to the Olympiad. But that can come out as in the fairy tale about the wolf, that in a year we simply will in time brush off from the return. It would be like that matter.

18th August 2007, 14:45
thank you,Ade :kiss:

18th August 2007, 14:47
Cu placere..si uite si comentariul unui fan...mai bn zis fane :P

So, if understand this translation correctly, LOL, what Ilya is really saying is that he understands the guys (Alexei and Plush) are missing the adrenaline of competition, that show skating does not bring them the same excitement. And he's also saying that the winners of the past world championships haven't done anything more impressive so he can understand why they believe they could end up on the podium themselves. He thinks that Plush's collection of jumps in Torino were weaker than in SLC because he didn't have Alexei to challenge him. However, he cautions about returning, pointing to the examples of men's singles skaters who returned, and the best result was Victor Petrenko's fourth place, and he had finished his eligible career later than the other guys. And he also thinks that it would be better to actually compete first, and then afterwards, if you feel you can do it, say you are going to compete at the Olympics, instead of saying that's your intention when you haven't even competed in one eligible comp yet. Basically, it sounds to me like he's suggesting to Alexei (and Plush) not to jump the gun with announcements until they've tested themselves in the activity first and see how they feel about continuing.

So Plush could test himself in the Cup of Russia events, and Alexei could test himself probably the earliest at the Japan Open. I don't see how he could be ready before that even if everything went really smoothly. He could compete at Russian Nationals (no doubt his favorite comp, LOL) without needing permission from the ISU, but I think Russian Nationals is way too soon after the surgery. It appears from his interviews that he's mostly planning to use this season for rehabilitation and training, and the comps might not be until the following year. But I can see how the RF and the ISU might want to see him competition first before deciding on the reinstatement issue so they can see how seriously they should take the request. If he's not competitive with the field, that may impact their decision.

I did see the usual sensational tabloid showing Plush on crutches and saying he has injured himself and has had a physical set back. He has canceled an upcoming show in Hungary. So he might be struggling a bit. Of course, again, this is from a tabloid, so who knows how accurate it is and when the photos were actually taken.

And not for the last time do I lament the loss of pro comps or the real pro/ams. Laurie

Mie mi-a placut ce a zis...cum era in Caragiale,le combate bine..parerea mea:P

27th September 2007, 17:55
Un clip cu Yagudin de la Stras on ice :)
Si ceva poze tot de acolo:) http://www.icesymphony.org/ourgallery/4

4th October 2007, 18:32
Imi place la nebunie Alexei Yagudin. As vrea mai multe programe de la gale cu el si mai noi.Cine poate sa ma ajute?pupici

4th October 2007, 18:51
Imi place la nebunie Alexei Yagudin. As vrea mai multe programe de la gale cu el si mai noi.Cine poate sa ma ajute?pupici
Bun Venit p forum!!!

pai cel mai simplu .. u sign up p www.fsvids.net si akolo gasesti ce vrei k vid legate d patinaj

4th October 2007, 19:01
/hello Anthonya! BINE AI VENIT!...Te mai asteptam:)
http://savefile.com/projects/808540049 uite unul mic...e doar un interviu..dar sper sa iti placa.

4th October 2007, 22:09
bine ai venit. dupa cum zicea si iulia pe fsvids gasesti ce vrei. daca nu te descurci spune-ne!!!!

7th October 2007, 15:16
Buna! am 56 de ani, imi place foarte mult patinajul artistic, iar Alexei Yagudin este de departe preferatul meu. Dintre programele lui cel mai mult imi plac Gladiator, Etude si Nutrocker. O admir pe TatianaTarasova care a format atatia campioni si chiar ar merita un subiect separat. Va multumesc ca existati si datorita voua am aflat atatea informatii si am gasit atatea videoclip-uri frumoase.

7th October 2007, 15:21
Bine ai venit printre noi!/hello Te-am mai vazut pe aici si ma bucur ca ai si scris:)

7th October 2007, 16:07
si eu am vazut ca te-ai inscris , ma bucur ca ne-ai si scris!!!! noi mai vb si aiureli, dar oricand ai nevoie de ceva programe, informatii , nu ezita sa ceri.
ai dreptate, tatiana ar merita un thread numai pt ea. poti sa il deschizi tu daca vrei!!!!!

7th October 2007, 17:29
:ok:Il iubesc pe Yagudin !Vreau si eu programe mai noi cu el.De la gale.pupici.

7th October 2007, 17:41
Ok...Anthonya voi incerca sa uplodez eu ceva:)

7th October 2007, 18:16
anthonya, spune mai exact ce vrei si noi punem. daca vrei uita-te pe www.fsvids.net . acolo gaseti tot ce n-ai visat vreodata in materie de vidsuri cu patinaj!!!!

7th October 2007, 19:03
Corect Irina....ar fi mai usor asa.
Uite aici Anthonya YAGUDIN CLIPS (http://www.fsvids.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=72)

7th October 2007, 19:10
ce-mi place denumirea noua a threadului :D

7th October 2007, 19:24
Imi spune cineva despre programul "The revisonists tale"? Nu imi aduc aminte sa-l fi intalnit. Cel putin sub aceasta denumire.

7th October 2007, 19:28
Pai nush ce as putea sa iti zic in afara de faptul ca e superb:P..Marce treci la aparat..esti mai documentata:)

7th October 2007, 19:31
aici sunt toate programele lui Alexei...:)
merci whisper :kiss:

7th October 2007, 19:59
Cu placere,Marce:kiss:
Cel mai bine ar fi sa vezi clipul:)

7th October 2007, 20:29
nici eu nu am auzit de el. din ce an si ce competitie e , marce????

7th October 2007, 20:36
mai, am tot cautat si nu am gasit nicaieri programul asta...am sa vad daca nu cumva e pe fsvids...i shall keep searching ;)

LE: pe fsvids nu e...:(

10th October 2007, 20:21
Pai The Revisionist's Tale nu era de fapt Circus, programul lui scurt din '99? Eu parca asa stiam....:thinkso:

10th October 2007, 20:55
Eu de ce am senzatia ca stiu clipul...:thinkso: Si nu e Circus..e altul..unul cu masina de scris..se aude o masina pe fundal:P parca:D

10th October 2007, 20:57
Ala cu masina pe fundal nu e The Typewriter?:D De la o gala de Craciun

10th October 2007, 20:59
:P:cry: Ala e..ptiu..ce le-am incurcat:cry:

11th October 2007, 13:41
Eu sunt uimita de ce aud in interviul asta. Dupa atatia ani si la nivelul asta...e cel putin ciudat.


11th October 2007, 14:22
pe mine m-a uimit cat de fraier a fost plushy. psihologi sportivi exista, e o meserie ca oricare alta si sunt f des folositi. orice echipa care se respecta are unul.
dar de asemenea efectul placebo e unul f cunoscut. daca prietenii si cunoscutii lui plushy i-au spus ca psihologul poate face minuni pt alexei, el a inceput sa creada. plushy avea 20 de ani in 2002, nu chiar un copil dar cu siguranta destul de influentabil inca.
si la toate astea putem adauga dorinta mass mediei de a crea senzatie. cei 2 nu erau in aceeasi camera acum si se poate face f usor un montaj din ce au spus 2 oameni la un moment dat si sa faci sa par ca e cu totul altceva.
plus cei 2 se pare ca nu vor reveni sezonul asta. alexei nu e gata iar evgeni s-a accidentat.

11th October 2007, 19:53
Da, i-adevarat. La aspectul cu presa nu m-am gandit. Dar e destul ca in ochii unora sa fie minimalizat un mare succes, cum a fost 2002 pentru Yag.

12th October 2007, 19:00
Membri noi! :)
Bine ati venit :ok:

14th October 2007, 13:29
buna! revin si eu cu o intrebare: alexei ar mai putea reveni in competitiile de amatori? stiam k o data ce concureaza la profesionisti, nu mai exista cale de intoarcere la amatori...asta stiam din surse auzite...in cazul in care raspunsul meu la intrebare se regaseste in posturile trecute, imi cer scuze, dar nu am avut timp sa citesc tot ce ati postat

14th October 2007, 14:06
Eu din ce am inteles..se poate intoarce..dar trebuie ca Rusia sa obtina mai multe locuri la JO :P
Buna Rocs_a!/hello Ma bucur ca te-ai intors:)

14th October 2007, 14:21
pot sa zic k imi pare rau k plushenko s-a accidentat...desi nu il prefer pe el drept castigator, el putea sa aduca o medalie pt a avea rusia mai multi competitori pt anul JO...k andrei lutai, saracutzul, oricat de mult mi-ar placea mie nu ar ajunge performanta lui plushenko (de yags nici nu mai zic) ... hmmm... oricum, o competitie yagudin-plushenko ar fi magnifica, incredibil de inchipuit...
iar yagudin merita o admiratie si mai mare din partea noastra, atata vreme cat doreste sa se intoarca la amatori la varsta pe care o are el (tinand cont der pauza lunga pe care a avut-o de cand s-a retras catre prof si tinand cont de varsta colegilor lui proaspat medaliati, tinereii bri,steph,tommy etc)

14th October 2007, 14:35
Asa e sunt de acord cu tine. Am zis pe threadurile celelalte ar fi fost bine sa participe Plushy:)

18th October 2007, 21:30
Imi place la nebunie Alexei Yagudin. As vrea mai multe programe de la gale cu el si mai noi.Cine poate sa ma ajute?pupici
Sunt o multime pe youtube.com, trebuie doar sa cauti.

Daca le vrei cat de cat catalogate poti sa incerci lista de la
http://ayunofficial2002.t35.com (http://ayunofficial2002.t35.com)

18th October 2007, 21:33
Si apropos puteti vota pentru Alexei ca sa devina Mr. Ice aici:


Are nevoie de putin ajutor. ;)

PS. Daca dezactivati cookie-urile se poate vota de mai multe ori.

18th October 2007, 21:41
din partea mea, are toate voturile ^^ :D

18th October 2007, 23:04
Bine ai revenit stardust!/hello
Votam ..eu cel putin chiar acum:P

18th October 2007, 23:29
Votam cu doua maini.

Va propun si montajul asta, care mi se pare foarte reusit. Fiecare vers se potriveste cu fiecare imagine. Super Queen, super Yagudin.


19th October 2007, 14:25
Merci, whisper. Avem ceva de lucru ca sa-l aducem in frunte dar eu zic i-ar face bine sa castige mai ales dupa mizeriile care s-au publicat in presa recent despre el.

19th October 2007, 14:32
ce s-a publicat???

19th October 2007, 16:21
Si apropos puteti vota pentru Alexei ca sa devina Mr. Ice aici:


Are nevoie de putin ajutor. ;)

PS. Daca dezactivati cookie-urile se poate vota de mai multe ori.

Da' cum sa nu :P
Chiar...ce s-a publicat?

19th October 2007, 17:18
Eh... barfe de dormitor scoase de fosta prietena... nu stiu doamne cu de le-alege tocmai pe astea. :rolleyes:

19th October 2007, 17:44
am auzit si eu...penibil de-a dreptul :rolleyes:
nastya zicea ceva de genul ca alexei nue ra bun la pat...in fine, cum a zis si stardust, barfe de dormitor:P

19th October 2007, 18:00
o daaa.....penibil

19th October 2007, 23:03
Asta e..ce putea sa zica...si s-a facut tam-tam pe treaba asta? Unde? Presupun ca e in Rusia:P...ei publicitatea fie ea si de genul asta tot publicitate ramane..la noi nici macar asta nu au spus:cry:

19th October 2007, 23:47
Ahem... nu cred ca i-a cazut prea bine... mai ales dupa doi ani de viata in comun :P dar asta e... se se invete minte.

19th October 2007, 23:50
:cry: Sa se invete minte corect.:D

24th October 2007, 18:39
poze noi...poze noi :D

24th October 2007, 20:59
Cute,cute, cute!!!!!:P Thanks Marce!:kiss:

25th October 2007, 18:14
Aici sunt 3 campioni olimpici pe acelasi podium. Dar ei nu stiau asta!


25th October 2007, 19:33
Si apropos puteti vota pentru Alexei ca sa devina Mr. Ice aici:


Are nevoie de putin ajutor. ;)

PS. Daca dezactivati cookie-urile se poate vota de mai multe ori.

Nu uitati sa votati pana in 26 Octombrie. In aceast moment clasamentul este:

1. Povilas Vaganas

2. Alexei Yagudin

25th October 2007, 20:13
E dragut si Povilas ;) O sa mai votez...sper sa mai pot:)
Am mai votat o data :)
Un clip cu Yags,Plushy and Mishin:)

25th October 2007, 21:34
Pacat ca nu inteleg comentariul. Pentru moment am crezut ca-i vorba iarasi de problema cu Zaiganov.... cu hipnotizarea........dar cred ca nu. Exista si o partea 2

in care se vorbeste numai de Plush.

26th October 2007, 21:12
Thank you Ladies for all the great pics, links and vids.
I'm a newbie here, i'm still looking around many subjects are in Italian.
I also saw a few bjdg members here am i correct? Whisper? Peirsolgirl? Alyosha?

26th October 2007, 22:07
Hello! and welcome to our board! /OLE/ hope you'll enjoy our stay here.
yes, that's correct, we are members of BJDG as well. and irina-but she's not around ;)
i don't know if there are subjects in italian, but we're happy to help you!:D
benvenutta sur questo forum! :)

26th October 2007, 22:13
Hy Nona! /hello How did u get here...i'm so happy!
:P And all the subjects are in romanian:P..but we have a thread for english members..but we do not have so mannies:P

4th November 2007, 10:31
Doamne!!! Sper sa nu fie sfarsitul carierei. Ar fi groaznic pentru el....

4th November 2007, 13:31

4th November 2007, 14:41
Doaaaamne!Nu`mi vine sa cred!:shocked: cum poate sa aiba un asemenea ghinion...:(

4th November 2007, 15:01
:shocked: :shocked:
cand a fost asta?!?!

4th November 2007, 19:14
:((((((((( De ce???????????? Pai cred ca destul de curand..daca e postat de doar o zi :(

4th November 2007, 22:40
S-a intamplat ieri, in 3 Nov. la un show din Dusseldorf. Imi pare asa de rau ....

5th November 2007, 18:24
Am inteles ca ar fi mai bine acum...daca am ceva stiri va mai spun :)

5th November 2007, 20:32
Alexeeeeei...:( sper sa nu fie grav si sa se faca bine:(

6th November 2007, 00:52
Alexei was taken to the hospital where an ultrasound was conducted then released shortly thereafter. He returned to his hotel room. The injury was not to Alexei's right hip.

6th November 2007, 15:24
deeeeci...nu e chiar atat de grav..?! hope so..

6th November 2007, 22:08
Asa am inteles si eu..cica vrea sa se antrereneze totusi pentru show-ul la care participa .

7th November 2007, 12:09
Se pare ca a participat la filmarile pentru urmatoarea emisiune... ce-o sa se intample mai depart Dumnezeu cu mila...

7th November 2007, 16:23
Da. Cam asa arata viitorul program. Se vede pe fata lui prin ce trece. Doamne ajuta!

7th November 2007, 18:39
Asa e Tracoromana..apropo poti sa ne zici numele tau real?:P...Nu prea imi place sa vorbesc cu nick-uri.:)
Doamne ajuta...sa nu forteze,desi cred ca asta face.

7th November 2007, 20:22
Ai dreptate.. e un nick cam incomod. Flavya e numele meu. As pune si-o pozutza....si o semnatura, dar nu stiu cum sa procedez.

7th November 2007, 20:39
Te pot ajuta :) Si ma bucur sa iti stiu numele..care e chiar foarte frumos :)
Deci te duci la user profil...o sa vezi tu...pot sa vorbesc cu tu?:P..unde scrie asta pe pagina de forum..acolo dai click pe signature sau pe avatar...si apoi scrii ceva sau dai browse pt poza..nu stiu daca intelegi ceva..daca nu ma mai intrebi :) as putea sa o fac si eu..dar nu vreau sa ma bag :P si nu ar fi corect.

7th November 2007, 21:39
Ok... mersi, am sa incerc intr-o buna zi.

7th November 2007, 21:58
Cu placere:) Sper sa reusesti...sunt curioasa ce avatar iti pui :P

11th November 2007, 14:59
Bai, deci nu pot sa cred ca a avut atat ghinion...Offff:(
Sper sa se faca bine...si suferind saracul..si tot e frumos:P

11th November 2007, 19:02
:P Ai dreptate Alex... chiar e foarte cute in poza :)
Flavia imi place avatarul tau!:ok:

15th November 2007, 20:46
Hello everyone!:P
In sfarsit mi-am facut si eu curaj sa post cate ceva aici.Ma bucur f mult ca exista si forumuri de patinaj in romana.Glad to see familiar faces here.:cool:

Iata cateva poze din episodul de sambata( Ice Age)-Alexei looking mighty fine in ciuda tuturor problemelor prin care trece,I’m sure you’ll all agree

(ehe ce bafta pe Vika-sa tot fii consolata de Alexei)
( nu pare prea multumit-nici nu ma mir-bietii de ei iar sunt aproape de eliminare):(


15th November 2007, 20:54
Multumim! Si bine ai venit printre noi!/hello
Fete familiare? De unde? Sau de cand tot citesti pe aici ne cunosti deja:P Nu vreau sa sune ciudat,dar te-am mai vazut..si ma intrebam cand vei scrie :)
LE: You've made my day! Si nu a fost deloc super cea de azi :(..dar acum cu pozele astea..chiar daca saracul arata cam suparat:P..e asa cuti si cu puppy-ul ala e tare cute :kiss:

15th November 2007, 21:03
:PHaha! fete familiare asa ,de pe alte forumuri in general-Marce;) de pe FSvids si AYFF(my good friend-de fapt ea mi-a zis de forumul asta)
Nona tot de pe Fsvids,pe tine (pot sa te tutuiesc?:))Whisper de pe Alexei Yagudin's Place hmmm..stai sa ma mai gandesc-Peirsogirl-FSvids:D ,cam asa.
Si stai linistita,nu a sunat ciudat intrebarea:floricica: de obicei imi ia ceva timp pana ma decid sa postez ceva pe un forum.Aici mi-a luat ceva mai mult lol
Glad to be here anyway:yeah: si ma bucur k i've made ur day.

ETA: da! vai scuza-ma Irinaidu de pe FSvids :) sunteti destul de multe -nici nu mai stiu pe care de unde.The world of figure-skating fans is so small but so numerous haha.
Si ce bine e sa poti vorbi de patinaj si in romana!

15th November 2007, 21:04
eu cred ca sunt familiare de pe fsvids, nu-i asa???

ha,ha, vezi m-am prins la timp. si eu sunt pe fsvids.
poti sa ne tutuiesti pe toate fara probleme. bine ai venit!!!!

15th November 2007, 21:15
Si eu sunt..dar cam rara pe acolo:p Nu am mai fost de ceva timp:)
Ne bucuram sa te avem printre noi...inca o data zic :P!
Si sigur ca poti sa ma tutuiesti :)..Poti sa ami zici si pe numele real..daca nickul e cam ciudat :P

15th November 2007, 23:41
bine ai venit, gteo:)
daca tot te-ai deranjat sa pui poze de la ice age, asteptam si clipul :D

16th November 2007, 13:45
Nah, ia uite cine a inceput sa scriie acilea...ce ma bucur sa te "vad", Teo :kiss:
eu ajung din ce in ce mai rar pe acasa, din cauza facultatii, anyway, daca nu am putut sa pun eu news cu Alexei, macar stiu ca there is someone who will do that, thank you,dear :kiss::cheer:

16th November 2007, 19:54
Sure!Uitati vidsurile :yeah:-au fost neindreptatiti la note if u ask me!:headbang:
Part 1: http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=W8ku8Ma1dPs
Part 2:http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=vQfjRc-W01c
Cu mii de multumiri lui Whitecrow.Ce ne-am face fara vidsurile ei?

Of Marce-i know ce zici cu faculta-eu nu sunt chiar asa de mult plecata de acasa dar am la teme si eseuri de zici ca nu e adevarat!Damn this Romanian school system.

PS: thank you all so much pt the warm welcome:)

16th November 2007, 20:38
Wow! Multumesc Teo!:kiss:

17th November 2007, 14:28
Voi ce ziceti de petitia asta?


17th November 2007, 14:48
de ce nu?

17th November 2007, 15:32
mi se pare o idee chiar geniala :D omul merita o asemenea onoare :)

17th November 2007, 15:32
:P Sunt de acord :)

18th November 2007, 10:27
WOW!ce tare!Imaginati-ve numai ,daca s-ar aproba ,in ce ipostaza au sa-l faca?
Eu as zice ca ori Gladiator ori MITIM.
Sau Winter!!!!
Mama!E greu sa aleg ;))

18th November 2007, 14:30
hmmm...poate ca vor face mini-yags in toate cele 3 ipostaze :P now,that's painstaking work,nu gluma :P

18th November 2007, 14:31
Voi ce ziceti de petitia asta?

Daca se face as prefera Gladiator dar mai mult ca probabil ca ar fi Winter sau MITIM... eh dar la cat de putine voturi sunt... :P

Doar din curiozitate... unde ai dat de link-ul asta?

18th November 2007, 16:01
Eu as vrea MITIM...dar sa fie Alexei nu conteaza in ce ipostaza:)

18th November 2007, 16:08
Na, ca m-ai pus in incurcatura... De pe un forum de genul Yagudin's Place, desi nu sa chema asa... Am sa merg din aproape in aproape, sa vad...

ah da, am gasit: http://ayunofficial.proboards20.com, The Unofficial Alexei Yagudin Message Board, Forum Name "Simply Alexei", moderator Weird Vision, topicul ...

18th November 2007, 17:33
Na, ca m-ai pus in incurcatura... De pe un forum de genul Yagudin's Place, desi nu sa chema asa... Am sa merg din aproape in aproape, sa vad...

ah da, am gasit: http://ayunofficial.proboards20.com, The Unofficial Alexei Yagudin Message Board, Forum Name "Simply Alexei", moderator Weird Vision, topicul ...
:happy Stiam eu ca e o idee buna sa il pun acolo. ;)

18th November 2007, 19:51
Deci u l-ai pus? Si de ce nu l-ai pus si aici? Ei da bine ca a ajuns si la noi nu conteaza cum:P
Va multumesc la amandoua:kiss:

18th November 2007, 20:05
Eh, l-am pus mai mult ca sa imi fie usor sa gasesc adresa la nevoie ca oricum e o petitie veche care se vede ca n-a prea avut succes chiar daca Alexei era mult mai faimos pe vremea cand a fost initiata decat este acum. :P

18th November 2007, 20:15
:cry: Eu credeam ca e mai noua:P
PS:Apropo ne spui cum te cheama:P Daca vrei:)

18th November 2007, 20:18

Ma bucur sa vad ca mai viziteaza cineva message board-ul ala din cand in cand. :p

18th November 2007, 20:22
:)Mai avem o Ioana pe forum....dar nu ne-a mai vizitat de multisor:P

18th November 2007, 20:41
Ioana e un nume des intalnit la noi. :P De aceea prefer stardust ca sa nu se faca vreo confuzie. :P

18th November 2007, 20:50
Nici o problema,iti zicem cum vrei u :)

19th November 2007, 13:02
Bine ai venit Ioana !!! Ce mi-a placut filmu Stardust;).

Ce se mai aude de starea d sanatate a lui Alexei?

19th November 2007, 14:50
Starea de sanatate a lui Alexei?:(
Numai el stie!Adica ba auzim ca a cazut in genunchi de durere in Dusseldorf si apoi il vedem patinand in Ice Age cateva zile mai incolo,ba citim ca se va opera la genunchi.
Nu se stie exact ce e cu el,eu presupun k se forteaza si ca isi risca sanatatea si mai ales noul sold operat!Face mult prea multe lucruri si chiar daca in opinia mea e un fel de supra-om nu pot sa nu-mi fac griji,vazandu-l asa slab si de obosit.

Intre timp ,un link cu filmari back-stage de la videoul pe care il face impreuna cu Vika(se pare k e un duet si canta si ALEXEI!!!:shocked:)Vidul se anunta a fi f sexy;)Dati click pe patratul gri-si o sa play vidul;)


PS:welcome Ioana :):yeah:

19th November 2007, 17:56
canta???? mi-e frica. tocmai ce l-am vazut pe sandhu :P. nu, nu , glumesc, alexei e oricum adorabil.
off, e ciudata toata chestia asta cu sanatatea lui.
wow, mersi mult de link, chiar ca se anunta f sexy!!!!

19th November 2007, 18:05
Multumim Teo pentru link:)
:cry: Lasa ca Alexei nu e E-Man:happy

19th November 2007, 18:30
Chiar canta in videoclipul ala... hmm, oare de ce mi-e cam frica? :P

Multumesc Iulya si gteo. Si mie mi-a placut filmul dar folosesc pseudonimul asta de mult mai multa vreme. :)

19th November 2007, 18:40
O Dumnezeule!nu-mi amintiti de Sandhu!:happySunt ink traumatizata de ce am vazut la gala de la Ingolstadt!
Me and my frinds am inventat o noua expresie "sandhu-lol".Sper sa nu trebuiasca s-o adaptam la Alexei:D

Eu presupun k nu va fi totusi chiar asa un dezastru k la Sndhu pt k Alexei nu e Emanuel si in plus ceva imi spune ca va mormai si el ceva pe acolo->n-o sa se apuce de vocalize:happy
Doamne apara si pazeste:happy Mult prea tare

19th November 2007, 19:32
:cry: Da saracu Sandhu,nu a gandit deloc cand s-a apucat de cantat..o fi zis ca isi mai strnge vreo 2,3 fani acolo:cry:

19th November 2007, 20:38
Si mie mi se pare ca Alexei e intr-o febra si o agitatie continua. Emisiuni TV, filmari de seriale, clipuri, cantat, dansat Russian SOI, prezentare Elle unde s-a produs cu Pasion si era sa cada de p franghiile acelea, life-style moscovit, mai o fuga la Dusseldorf, in curand turneu Ice Simphony...Nu e de mirare ca e obosit.

Iaca eroul nostru....

19th November 2007, 21:06
:) Sper sa nu se forteze prea mult.Daca vrea sa revina nu ar trebui sa faca prea multe acum...desi poate vrea sa intre in forma:)

19th November 2007, 21:16
ce sweet e video-ul, mercic Teo :kiss:
sunt sigura ca Alexei trebuie sa aibe o voce suava, asa , sa se potriveasca cu fizicul lui :D :rolleyes:

19th November 2007, 21:22
Dar i se aude vocea in clipul pe care l-am postat. O dubleaza pe Victoria. Canta bine, dar cam timid.

19th November 2007, 21:37
la mine nu s-a auzit nimic :|

19th November 2007, 21:49
Cum nu? in fereastra cu www.sokolov.... e un clip de vreo 8 minute. Cu filmarea si cantecul.

Mi-ar parea rau sa nu se auda.

19th November 2007, 22:50
aaah..in clipul asta.eu ziceam de cel postat de teo...sorry :P my bad

21st November 2007, 10:23

Nu arata prea bine :(

21st November 2007, 10:33
Alexei [Yagudin] continues to be rolled, in spite of severe pain in the right foot.
Let us recall that not so long ago the figure skater tore slightly muscle, but to leave project did not agree. Athlete ignored all orders of physicians and active trainings continue.
Any unsuccessful motion causes Yagudin the intolerable pain, but it as true athlete, and it will not give to form.
[???yuboe??] unsuccessful motion causes Yagudin the intolerable pain, but it as true athlete, and it will not give to form.
Only at the rare moments, when entirely to [??nevmogotu ??], Aleksey is sufficient at the sick thigh and requests to stop training.
Vicat [Dayneko] supports his partner as it can. Singer tries to carry out all exercises and supports from the very first in order as it is possible to less load the sick foot Of Yagudin
- Lesha is a fine person, says Vicat. -A Real hero!

mersi de articol.....hmmm nu e chiar bine indeed :(

21st November 2007, 11:44
Sunt ingrijorata....nu stiu, yags a fost parca mai matur la 18 ani cand a plecat in sua, sau ma rog..... a stiut ce vrea. Ar fi cazul ca Tarasova sa/si foloseasca influenta asupra lui, desi notele mai mici la Russian SOI cred ca e o incercare mai "subtila" de a-l scoate de acolo. Lui Averbuch ii convine sa ramana, ca doar e producatorul showului.

21st November 2007, 14:37
auuu...pe mine ma doare :(
ar face bine sa renunte, pentru binele sanatatii lui...

21st November 2007, 19:17
:(((( Saracul...de ce oare se chinuie asa...mai bine ar renunta..nu vreau sa se forteze si Doamne fereste sa fie mai grav.:(
Si are dreptate e un erou...dar vreau sa fie un erou sanatos, nu unul cu probleme mai mari ca cele de pana acum:(

24th November 2007, 11:09
– You do plan your life or is it more improvisation?

– Improvisation is nevertheless more. For people of mood, and everything greatly depends on that with which I in the morning awake. After growing up, I began more calmly to relate to many things, to analyze that which is not obtained, calming myself by the fact that this was not mine. I try to move further. And I learned – to plan the main thing in order not to depart to depression.

– To you this state is familiar?

– Only the initial stage. Having only felt its approximation, to the room with the mirror I go, I force myself to smile until the smile becomes natural. I generally consider that it is necessary to try to live with a smile, then life becomes simpler, easier, it is merrier. A smile helps to conquer.

24th November 2007, 12:14
auuuu..ce poza :D
merciiiii ptr articol :kiss:

24th November 2007, 23:24
Multumesc pt articol:kiss:
:) Un "smile" face multe. Chiar are dreptate :) Viata e mai frumoasa cand zambesti:)

25th November 2007, 13:07
Pana apare pe youtube aveti aici programul de aseara cu Alexei si Victoria patinand pe un cantec de Alla Pugachova:


25th November 2007, 13:30
Am descarcat si eu vid; programul e foarte vesel, si ei sunt draguti, iar Tatiana Tarasova si Alla Pugaciova sunt foarte joviale. Din cate stiu Victoria Daineko a castigat ca si cantareata un premiu "Alla Pugaciova" . Am vrut sa postez o poza cu cele 2 doamne, dar nu reusesc.... priceperea mea se opreste aici... Merci de program.

25th November 2007, 16:30
Flavia le ai in pc pozele? Daca da poti folosi photobucket,,uplodezi acolo si postezi aici.Sau poti da, aici pe ols, go advance si o sa vezi pe pagina care iti pare un loc unde scrie manage atachaments dai click si uplodezi acolo:)

25th November 2007, 20:14
Adelina, ai un avatar care ma ameteste in mod placut. Ols??? .... Nu astazi~!
Lectia cu uploadatul, maine. Si cu emoticons, poimaine, ca as mai pune si cate un smile. Mersi de ajutor!!!!

25th November 2007, 20:27
:kiss: Ma bucur ca iti place!:P
emoticons:P Simplu...dai tot go advance si vezi lista de emoticonuri in dreapta..daca dai view more sau cum scrie vezi si mai multe:P Sau poti incerca asa doua puncte adica ":" urmate de "D":D ,")":) , "P" :P. Sau daca vrei asta:cry:faci asa ":" "cry" ":" Fara ghilimele ,bineinteles:)

25th November 2007, 20:47
:lol::D Mersi ) :cry:

25th November 2007, 21:05
flavia, deja devii experta!!!!!:dance::bere:

25th November 2007, 23:22
Daaa mai. ai fi creazut??? :cool: Am sa postez poza in cauza, pe calea pe care o stiu (deocamdata). Deci ,Tarasova cu Alla Pugaciova.


26th November 2007, 17:18
Thanks pentru poza cu Alla si TAT:yeah:
Ce tare s-au distrat amandoua in episodul asta!De ar fi intotdeauna asa de vesel arbitrajul in fiecare saptamana....;)

Link la Lipton Ice Tea-poze din episodul de sambata

ETA:dati click pe sigla showului Ice Age din partea dreapta de sus si ajungeti la poze(sunt trei pagini in total)

26th November 2007, 19:43
A! si inca un link la o inregistrare de pe MUZTV-mini interviu Vika si Alexei despre noul lor duet.
Alexei aratand :dance: hehe- ca Alexei as in "brilliant":P


26th November 2007, 19:48
/OLE/ Bravo Flavia!Ai invatat !:great:
Multumesc pentru poze Teo!:)

26th November 2007, 23:54
Am invatat, da. Mai pun si un dans tare reusit, o sa va placa sa-l vedeti/revedeti......:dance:

1st December 2007, 22:16

Parca era mai dragut cel de saptamana trecuta. :P

8th December 2007, 13:14
Ok..nu mai imi aduc aminte daca interviul asta a fost postat :P Dar oricum il mai pun o data:)


" Alexei Yagudin: I am earning more than Plushenko"

I'll just post some excerpts:

"Zhenya - Plushenko soon going to release a book about myself. You will be interested to read it?

- Actually, not very. Maybe drop when hit in the eye. Incidentally, I am also writing a book, soon to finish. Not himself, of course, I have a literary editor. I think my book will be no less interesting than that of Plushenko.

- When you sign a contract with this show, you wondered how many paid Zhenya Plushenko? You put a condition that you pay no less?

- You know, when I became Olympic champion, handed it to me, as an additional prize voucher for 100 kilograms of black chocolate. Free. A year after four Olympic champions, including Plushenko already have an apartment and car. I am, however, Tatiana Anatolievna also helped get an apartment. If it does not, nothing would have given me no. I went after his victory to America and Plushenko all this time was in Russia. It is, say so fresh champion, so for him and struggled TV channels. And offering big money. Gossip & Tabloids wrote about 700 thousand dollars for participating in the project. This drivel, do not pay so much talent of figure skating. But you know, in America, I still get more than Plushenko of Russia.

Plushenko younger-you, but not only managed to marry and become Pope, but also to divorce. And all you have decided to go to single life?

- I remember when I was years 19 - 20, such as the mother asked: "Are you so why look at that girl?" Name Bloringa girl, but mum thought that I pozhiral her eyes. I replied: breakwater, look at it as a potential mother of my children. In reply to hear that, it turns out, I was too soon to think about this. Then I wanted to get married, and now I realized that freedom of the road for me, too, to sacrifice it, I will not be able to. And do what I do not want to be, too, will not. Why all these divorces, clarification of relations, delezh property? Can it simply live together, and when people are well-fed friend what it means, it is back.

So you will not marry?

- In any case, in the coming years is not.

- What Nastya Gorshkov? Newspapers wrote that you are about to become husband and wife.

- "We do not raspishemsya. I honestly Naste explained its position. And children are not yet started going. The child is easy to do, but who will raise him? I have at no time is now. "


" Your former coach Tatiana Tarasova told that you have taught her to drive a car.

- -o, she now dashingly conducts! True motorist.

- "And you?

- In America, going on Rules.

- "But once you fall in the police station.

- "I then drank a few glasses of wine at the wedding with friends. I was stopped by the police, I went to overtake in unpaid spot. Had to go to station, pass tests. Passed all but one, I could not resist on one leg. I remember when I joked, asked police: Can I try again? It is windy in the room. But not understand my jokes. After that obliged me to attend lectures about the dangers of alcohol.

- "Now you take over the steering wheel completely sober?

- Absolutely. But we in Russia, regulations, in some cases, violating. We, ourselves know how people go. Yeah, I have the same. When the Yankees stopped often helps po****rity. But last-inspector had to pay me not to learn.


Here's one that says Nastya turned down his marriage proposal:


Interview with Izvestia from October with video clips:


8th December 2007, 14:46
Olympic champion of figure skating, Aleksey Yagudin, parted with the thought about a return to amateur sport. About this he stated v sredu to our editorial staff, representing his book "Naprolom" (excerpts were published from it the week of November 16th).

- I greatly wanted to return, stated the figure skater, for this, strictly, I had the operation on the hip joint. They persuaded me to put it off, indeed the titanium insert will be necessary to be changed within 20 years again. Nevertheless, I was decided - but, apparently, it is not fate... At first, rehabilitation occurred well, but then my body began "to break." Constant visits to the doctors, who could not add mood, began. But three weeks ago during the tour in Germany, I was carried from the ice - I simply could not complete my appearance. On the whole, I think my return to the sport is impossible.

According to Aleksey, now he is occupied by projects new for himself. Besides the publication of the book and participation in the show "Ice Age," he will be acting in a television series, which in the beginning of the future year will appear on "Channel One." "I there play a figure skater, but not myself," acknowledges Yagudin. Furthermore, together with his female partner on "Ice Age," Victoria Dayneko, he wrote two songs, one of which will appear on the television show "Blue Flame" for the new year. "Producers said: professional singer I am not, but for the first time, it came out well," laughs the figure skater.

8th December 2007, 20:22
Foarte interesant....:o:

8th December 2007, 23:38
:) Eram (aproape) sigura, ca nu se va intoarce...dar de ce ne-a mai amagit:P
Ok! Am citit tot, nu e vina lui:)

9th December 2007, 02:33
:cya:Astept cu nerabdare sa inceapa concursurile de patinaj,dar mi-e dor de-nebunesc de Alexei Yagudin!As dori enorm sa vina in Romania,sa-l vad patinand si-mi doresc sa stiu si cate ceva din viata lui personala.E incredibil acest baiat,si cred ca mai are extrem de mult de aratat ce poate face el pe gheata.Si apropo stie cineva o adresa unde as putea sa-i scriu?Pupici si astept vesti de la voi.:rosu:

9th December 2007, 02:57
anthonya, vad ca esti incepator asa ca iti spun ca sa nu se supere nimeni nu mai folosi smile-ul cu cartonasul posu. ala il folosim cand nu ne place ceva, ca la fotbal.
nu stiu nici o adresa pt yags, sorry!!!
si noua ne este dor de el!

9th December 2007, 10:39
Oricat de mult ma asteptam la ne-revenirea lui Yagudin in concursuri, tot m-a luat prin surprindere si tot mi-a parut rau. :( Dar este o hotarare normala si inteleapta.:pace:
Cat despre viata personala a lui Yag ..... numai lucruri bune. De ex lansarea oficiala in 6 dec a cartii lui Yagudin "Overcome" , in limba rusa, avand coperta de mai jos. Mai exista o editie in limba japoneza. Numai limbi accesibile si cunoscute noua..... Despre o editie in lb engleza, nimic deocamdata.

9th December 2007, 18:02
Am primt cartonas pentru ce?!?:D E de rau ala Anthonya...si eu cred ca nu il meritamhttp://i154.photobucket.com/albums/s275/whisper_steaua/emoticons/cricri77.gif
Adresa lui nu i-o stim, dar sper ca intr-un final sa ajunga felicitarea pe care i-am trimis-o la el...nu am trimis-o direct, pentr ca am zis nu stiu adresa:P. Dar sa stii ca daca ajunge la el...sigur va stii ca il asteptam pe aici LOL! Ca doar i-am zis:P

10th December 2007, 16:07
are cineva versurile in engleza ale melodiei lui yags cu partenera din ice Age? sau eventual, o mica idee despre ce cant ei acolo? don`shoara aia mare nevoie are de publicitate de a apelat la ajutorul lui yags. A gasit ea cel mai tare patinator sa o ajute sa lanseze melodii. Oricum, el avea si-asa destula faima k sa isi mai bata capul cu muzik. Oricum, a fost fun pt el probabil sa joace in clip. E f tare partea cand ei patineaza, pacat k nu sunt mai multe secvente de acest tip in clip (nu ma mai satur de programele lui :)) ) . Uf, rusii astia! Nu pot sa scoata si eu carti si melodii in lb atotcunoscuta? numai rusa rusa rusa :(

11th December 2007, 00:21
Apropo de carte: Karenna incearca sa vorbeasca cu niste editotii pentru o traducere in engleza a cartii lui Yags.Sper din tot sufletul sa reuseasca:ok:

20th December 2007, 01:42
Ce vraji a ma facut Yags.


20th December 2007, 20:54
daca tot e vorba de vraji ... :rolleyes:

20th December 2007, 21:19
femeia asta e idolul meu :P

20th December 2007, 21:25
no comment :D

24th December 2007, 11:12
In sfarsit yags si-a vazut visul cu ochii: danseaza pe gheata cu iubita lui la Ice Age, in cadrul sectiunii "schimba partenerul".

24th December 2007, 23:59
yags patineaza cu the real girlfriend???

flavia, mersi de vid!!!

25th December 2007, 12:29
Wow, foarte frumos, un program extrem de sensibil, multumesc Flavia:)
Le sta bine impreuna btw :P

27th December 2007, 11:45
Yags quotes:

"If you get up in the morning and nothing bothers you, you’re dead."

"I'd like someone who will take care of me, sit with me, and watch TV. ha! I'm making her sound like a baby sitter!"

"I will never leave St. Petersburg to train in Moscow, or like Kulik leave Russia to train in America... I love my country."

"Whatever you do in this life is not for yourself. It's not always about yourself. It's for other people."

"Comparatively calm, but I can't criticize myself because I am a lazy person. This is probably most irritating for my mama. Her requests that I wash the dishes or take out the garbage would have just as much success as if she asked a bronze statue. In this moment, I am deaf to any critical remark." (on taking criticism)

"I like to skate fast. I like to drive fast. I mean, that's my personality"

"The harder the training, the better the results. When the ice is bad and the bus to the rink is late, that only makes you stronger physically."

"At some time, you realize you have everything in skating, and now you must skate for the people and take that role more seriously. That is how I feel."

"I want to thank my mom... well for delivering me first and then for putting me into this sport"

"I'm a lazy person. Not on the ice, but in regular life."

"That is why I was working to get the Olympic title. It all pays off. You have a dinner and you get the dessert at the end. I am getting the dessert."

"If I could change one thing in the world, I would make everyone understand what it's like to fall 100 times, and stand when most needed"

"The more you win, more people look at you and more people expect you to skate clean, but like.... ice is slippery and auh... it's hard to be perfect all the time. I'm trying to be, but still, it's impossible."

"One minute can decide everything in your life."

"Everyone has their something special"

"Actually I knew that I won after the first combination in the free program. But when I was done and I was bowing, I was in shock, so I wasn't that emotional. Then at the end, I began to jump, because then that feeling of "Yes, I won!" came into my mind. And then I began to cry."

"I was unbelievably tired. It wasn't sudden tiredness, but a feeling that over the whole season strength had been escaping from me and none of it was left at all."

Cum a evoluat coafura lui Alexei :P
Alexei Yagudin fan art:
Interviuri mai vechi cu Yags:

27th December 2007, 15:07
Hm..se pare ca oamenii isi mai schimba parerile intre timp:confused:

27th December 2007, 15:31
La asta te referi :

"I will never leave St. Petersburg to train in Moscow, or like Kulik leave Russia to train in America... I love my country."

:cry: Da... si le schimba...dar macar nu trebuia sa zica nimic de Ilia:)

28th December 2007, 02:21
Dragute pozele si creatiile.
Completare la coafuri:

28th December 2007, 04:02
chestia cu never say never e f adevarata.
frezele sunt beton!!!!

31st December 2007, 00:09
salutare salutare!!!! nu v-am mai 'vazut' de multa vreme.va doresc un 2008 plin cu sanatate si cu bucurii reusite in viata si tot ce va doriti voi sa se indeplineasca.La multi ani Alexei,La multi ani tuturor celor care au auzit si stiu ceva de el si care il apreciaza pe Yagudin pt tot ce a facut el in lumea patinajului.hai sa fie de la mine ca sa nu fiu rautacios La multi ani si celor care nu il suporta pe Yagudin si suporta un altul.